Événements & colloques
Perlmann and beyond : from the rhetorical tradition to argumentation theories

Perlmann and beyond : from the rhetorical tradition to argumentation theories

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen


ADARR (Analyse du discours, Argumentation, Rhétorique)

Departments of French, Philosophy, Political Sciences


January, 7-9, 2008

This conference is organized with the generous help of Dr. Noemi Mattis Perelman, the Louise and Dr. Nahum Barag Lectures on French Culture and Rhetoric, the Chaim Perelman Foundation (Brussels), the Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities, the Shirley and Leslie Porter School of Cultural Studies, The Gretl and Fred Raymond Extraordinary Chair for International Exchanges in Science.

MONDAY, January 7, Webb Building, Room 001 17.00: Greetings:

Prof. Raanan Rein, Vice-Rector

Mrs. Danielle Del Marmol, Ambassador of Belgium

Introduction: Prof. Ruth Amossy (Tel-Aviv), Dr. Michael Kochin (Tel-Aviv), Prof. Roselyne Koren (Bar-Ilan).

Rhetoric and Argumentation Revisited

Chair: Guy Haarscher (ULB)

17.30-18.15: Michael Leff (Memphis): "Perelman, ad hominem Argument and rhetorical Ethos"

18.15-19.00: Marcelo Dascal (Tel-Aviv): "Between Logic and Eristic: The Pragmatic Dimension of Dialectic Argumentation"

TUESDAY, January 8, Naftali Building, Room 527

Figures of Rhetoric, Argumentation and Discourse

Chair: Nadine Kuperty-Tsur (French, Tel-Aviv)

9.30-10.15:  Christian Plantin (CNRS-Lyon-2): "Figures of speech: their structure and function in argumentation theory"

Respondent: Elda Weizmann (Bar-Ilan)

10.15-11.00:  Francisca Snoeck Henkemans (Amsterdam): "Manoeuvering Strategically with praeteritio "

Respondent: Sivan Wiesenfeld-Cohen (Tel-Aviv)

11.00-11.30: Coffee Break

Chair: Meir Sternberg (Tel-Aviv)

11.30-12.15: Ruth Amossy (Tel-Aviv): "Rhetoric, Argumentation and Discourse Analysis: A Theory of Argumentation in Discourse"

Respondent: Marianne Doury (CNRS-Paris-3)


The Audience: The New Rhetoric and Beyond Chair: Jürgen Siess (U. de Caen, France)

15.15-16.00: Galia Yanoshevsky (Bar-Ilan and Tel-Aviv): " Perelman's Audience Revisited: Towards the Construction of a new Type of Audience?"

Respondent: Ayelet Kohn (David Yellin College)       

16.00-16.45: Shai Frogel (Tel-Aviv): "Who is the Addressee of Philosophical Argumentation?"

Respondent: Dana Riesenfeld (Tel-Aviv)

16.45-17.15: Coffee Break

Chair:  Michèle Bokobza-Kahan (Tel-Aviv)

17.15-18.00: Emmanuelle Danblon (ULB): "The Notion of Pseudo-Argument in Perelman's Thought"

                      Respondent: Claire Sukiennik (Bar-Ilan)

18.00-18.45: Zohar Livnat (Bar-Ilan): "The Concept of Scientific Fact"

Respondent: Menashe Schwed (Ashkelon Academic College) 

WEDNESDAY, January 9

Morning:  Naftali Building, Room 527 Ethics, Politics, and Rhetoric Chair: Gisèle Valency-Slakta (U. de Caen, France)

9.15-10.00: Roselyne Koren (Bar-Ilan): "Can Perelman's New Rhetoric be viewed as an Ethics of Discourse?"

Respondent: Marianne Doury (CNRS- Paris-3)

10.00:10.45: Michael Kochin (Tel-Aviv): "From Argument to Assertion"

Respondent: Eithan Orkibi (Tel-Aviv)

Argumentation and Law

Chair: Roselyne Koren (French, Bar-Ilan)

10.45- 11.30: Benoit Frydman (ULB): "Perelman's Key Role in the History of Legal Argumentation"

Respondent: Sol Azuelos-Atias (Haifa)

11.30-12.15: Guy Haarscher (ULB): "Argumentation and Rhetoric: How the Language of Human Rights is Distorted from Inside"


15:00 – 19.15 – IN HEBREW Argumentation and Rhetoric in Learning and Instruction

Gilman Building, Room 282

Chair: Galia Yanoshevsky, Bar-Ilan and Tel-Aviv

15.00-15.45: Yossi Bar (Haifa): "Ways to Succeed in Rhetoric Instruction in Schools and in Academic Institutions"

15.45-16.30- Baruch Schwarz (Hebrew University): "Argumentative Design"

16.30-16.45- Coffee Break

Chair: Michael Weinstock (Ben Gurion)

16.45-17.30- Shoshana Blum-Kulka (Hebrew University):  

"The affordances of young children's peer talk discussions for enhancing social and discursive skills"

17.30- 18.15: Amnon Glassner (Ben Gurion and Sapir College):

"The Role of Arguments' Construction, Mapping, and Evaluation in Fostering Literacy skills"

18:15-19.15- Chair: Eyal Chowers (Political Sciences, Tel-Aviv)

 Panel: The Culture of Discussion in Israeli Society (with the participation of the audience).

Organizing Committee: Prof. Ruth Amossy and Dr. Galia Yanoshevsky (Coordinators), Dr. Yossi Bar, Dr. Amnon Glassner, Prof. Guy Haarscher, Dr. Michael Kochin, Prof. Roselyne Koren.