Événements & colloques
Engaging with Simone de Beauvoir

Engaging with Simone de Beauvoir

Publié le par Thomas Parisot (Source : Francofil)

9th Annual Conference of the International Simone de Beauvoir Society

'Engaging with Simone de Beauvoir',
20-22 July 2001,
St John's College, Oxford, UK

Keynote Speaker: Michèle Le Doeuff (CNRS), author of L'Etude et le rouet (Seuil, 1989) and Le Sexe du savoir (Aubier, 1998)


Friday, 20 July
From 3pm: Arrivals and Registration
5.15-5.30: Welcome and Introduction, Announcements
5.30-7pm: SESSION A (single session)

Session A Topic
Ethics (in English)


Speaker 1
Gail Weiss (The George Washington University)
Challenging Choices: An Ethics of Oppression

Speaker 2
Judy Miles (California State Polytechnic University)
The Affinities Between The Second Sex and Descartes' Meditations, A Response to Nancy Bauer's Unusual Claim

Speaker 3
Kristana Arp (Long Island University, Brooklyn)
Freedom and the Other in All Men are Mortal

7.30pm onwards: Drinks and Fork Buffet in College

Saturday, 21 July
From 7am: Breakfast in College
9.15-10.45am: SESSIONS B, C AND D (triple parallel sessions)

Session B Topic
Fiction (in French and English)


Speaker 4
Elène Cliche (Université du Québec, Montréal)
Une construction laborieuse du sujet féminin : Marcelle et Marguerite, deux figures beauvoriennes mises à l'épreuve

Speaker 5
Lilianne Lazar (Hofstra University, New York)
Une image satirique de la mauvaise foi dans Quand prime le spirituel de Simone de Beauvoir et La Nausée de Jean-Paul Sartre

Speaker 6
Alison Holland (University of Northumbria at Newcastle)
Identity in Crisis: the Gothic Textual Space in L'Invitée

Session C Topic
Diaries and Correspondence (in English and French)


Speaker 7
Margaret Simons (Southern Illinois University)
The Bergsonian Influences on Beauvoir's Philosophy

Speaker 8
Barbara Klaw (Northern Kentucky University)
The Birth of Le Deuxième Sexe: Beauvoir and her diary from 1926-30

Speaker 9
Jeanne Humphries (University of Toronto, Canada)
Stratégies épistolaires: trajectoires d'une subjectivité au féminin dans la correspondance de Beauvoir

Session D Topic
Phenomenology and Ethics (in French and English)


Speaker 10
Louise Renee (Université du Manitoba, Canada)
La douleur d'une interrogation indéfinie : l'oppression dans les textes de Simone de Beauvoir

Speaker 11
Eleanor Godway (Central Connecticut State University)
Phenomenology, Ambiguity and Expression: Merleau-Ponty and De Beauvoir

Speaker 12
Annlaug Bjoersnoes (University of Trondheim, Norway)
'The Ethics of Ambiguity and the Development of Individuality in Modern Literature'

10.45-11.15: Coffee
11.15-12.45: SESSIONS E, F, AND G (triple parallel sessions)

Session E Topic
Genre, subjectivité et Le Deuxième sexe (en français)


Speaker 13
Ludovic Gaussot (Université de Poitiers, France)
La domination masculine et Le Deuxième sexe

Speaker 14
Hélène Rouch (CEDREF, Université Paris VII, France)
La fabrication du sexe: Simone de Beauvoir entre Adrienne Sahuqué et Suzanne Lilar

Speaker 15
Marie-Andrée Charbonneau (Université de Moncton, Canada)
Ego, narcissisme et aliénation chez Simone de Beauvoir et Jacques Lacan: un vocabulaire au confluent de la psychanalyse et de la phénoménologie

Session F Topic
Fiction (in English)


Speaker 16
Deborah Evans (University of Sussex)
Beauvoir's L'Invitée: the necessity of writing against the contingent

Speaker 17
Peter Christensen (Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee)
Simone de Beauvoir's Les Bouches inutiles, Georg Kaiser's Die Buerger von Calais and Friedrich Durenmatt's Es steht geschrieben: Existential Dramas of the Besieged City

Speaker 18
Margaret Gray (Indiana University)
Beauvoir via Butler: Performing Femininity in Les belles images

Session G Topic
Gender, Bodies and Space (in English)


Speaker 19
Oliver Davis (Wadham College, Oxford)
La Vieillesse and Le Deuxième Sexe: symmetry, alterity and the body

Speaker 20
Sarah Fishwick (University of Birmingham)
"Je voudrais savoir danser ainsi": Dance and Bodily Gender Identity in Beauvoir's L'Invitée and Le Sang des autres

Speaker 21
Alison Fell (The Queen's College, Oxford)
The Perils of a Room of One's Own: space in L'Invitée, Le Sang des autres and Les Bouches inutiles

12.45-2.15pm: Lunch (own arrangements)
2.15-4.15: SESSIONS H, I, J (triple parallel sessions)

Session H Topic
Theorising Feminisms (in English)


Speaker 22
Charmaine Eddy (Trent University, Peterborough, Canada)
The Impossibility of "Being Sexualised": Bodily Alterity in Beauvoir and Irigaray

Speaker 23
Anna Alexander (Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Concordia University, Montreal)
'Must we burn Beauvoir? Towards a queer ethics of Eros'

Speaker 24
Elaine Stavro (Trent University, Peterborough, Canada)
Enriching the Social World: Beauvoir's Efforts to Accommodate Psychoanalysis and Historical Materialism

Speaker 25
Mary Evans (University of Kent)
Simone de Beauvoir and the Limits of the Rational

Saturday, 21 July, 2.15-4.15pm
Session I Topic
Auto/biographical writing (in English and French)


Speaker 26
Wendy O'Brien (Humber College, Toronto)
Profiles of a Life Well-Written: Beauvoir's Phenomenology of the Self

Speaker 27
Betty Halpern-Guedj (Université de Genève)
D'habiles mensonges qui secrètement disent la vérité

Speaker 28
Fiona Neilson (Monash University, Australia)
Not herself: Beauvoir's subjectification of her mother in Une Mort très douce

Speaker 29
Céline Léon (Grove City College, Pennsylvania)
Le Deuxième Sexe à la lumière des Lettres à Nelson Algren

Session J Topic
Beauvoir, Heidegger, Structuralism (in English)


Speaker 30
Nancy Bauer (Tufts University)
Beauvoir's Heideggerian Ontology

Speaker 31
Karen Vintges (University of Amsterdam)
Must we burn Foucault? Ethics as Art of Living: Simone de Beauvoir and Michel Foucault

Speaker 32
Eva Gothlin (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Reading Simone de Beauvoir with Martin Heidegger

Speaker 33
Eva Bahovec (University of Ljubljana)
The Second Sex and Philosophy of Structuralism

4.15-4.45pm: Tea

Keynote Speaker:
Michèle Le Doeuff (CNRS, Paris)
Author of L'Etude et le rouet (Seuil, 1989), trans. Hipparchia's Choice, an essay concerning Women, Philosophy, etc. (Blackwell, 1991) and Le Sexe du savoir (Aubier, 1998)

6pm onwards: Break/Drinks followed by Conference Dinner

Sunday 22 July
From 7.30am: Breakfast in College
9.30-11am: SESSIONS K AND L (twin parallel sessions)

Session K Topic
Représentations (en français)


Speaker 34
Claudine Monteil (Paris)
La notion de famille chez Simone de Beauvoir et Jean-Paul Sartre

Speaker 35
Laurence Ellena (Université de Nancy/Poitiers)
Simone de Beauvoir et son public: la construction sociale d'une représentation

Speaker 36
Sandrine Dauphin (Paris)
Simone de Beauvoir et le féminisme d'Etat

Session L Topic
Auto/biography (in French and English)


Speaker 37
Pierre-Eric Villeneuve (Montréal, Canada)
La part maudite de l'aveu : l'exemple de La Cérémonie des adieux

Speaker 38
Susan Bainbrigge (University of Edinburgh)
La Cérémonie des adieux: Situating the Self and the Text

Speaker 39
Jean-Louis Jeannelle (Université de Paris IV)
La prose de l'histoire dans les mémoires : Beauvoir et la guerre d'Algérie

11-11.30am: Coffee
11.30-12.30: SESSION M (single session)

Session M Topic
Beauvoir, Power and Alternative Genealogies (in English)


Speaker 40
Debra Bergoffen (George Mason University)
Failed Friendships, Forgotten Genealogies: Simone de Beauvoir and Luce Irigaray

Speaker 41
Sonia Kruks (Oberlin College, Ohio)
Panopticism and Shame: Foucault and Beauvoir on Power

12.45pm: Lunch and close of conference.

Conference Organisers:
Dr Elizabeth Fallaize, St John's College, Oxford, UK

Dr Ursula Tidd, Dept of French Studies, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

The Conference Organisers are grateful to the Society for French Studies for their financial assistance in running this event.