Appels à contributions
Scholars in exile and dictatorships of the 20th century

Scholars in exile and dictatorships of the 20th century

Publié le par Florian Pennanech (Source : Doubravka Olsakova)

International Conference, Prague, May 24 – 26, 2011

Organizers & Participating Institutions
• Centre for the History of Sciences and Humanities, Institute for Contemporary History
of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic – principal organizer
• National Technical Museum in Prague
• Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Issues concerning scientists in exile have attracted attention especially in relation to the
large emigration wave that hit Europe facing the Nazi regime. This wave has been already
well documented by numerous encyclopaedic projects, treated in synthetic works, and also
analyzed from the methodological point of view. Still, other émigré and exile waves in 20th
century Europe have so far escaped more detailed attention, like those that were evoked
by European and non-European authoritarian regimes and dictatorships or other malignant
political developments.

Insufficiently explored as yet is the effect of the Communist regimes that came into power in
first in the Soviet Union and later in several European countries on escapes of scholars (both
the average and top ones) to outside their spheres of influence. This process retained in all
these countries its significant specific features and took its particular time course depending
on the acuteness of the local political pressure. Attention seeking are also the problems
concerning intellectuals and scholars expelled from their home countries by several other
authoritarian regimes, some of which have been active up to the present day. The announced
Conference approaches these questions from two angles – partly from the all- European
perspective and partly considering the Czech developments.

Thus from the all-European perspective the Conference will deal in particular with three large
and partially overlapping migration waves:
a) Escapes of scholars from the German Nazi rule and its allies in Italy, Spain and other
countries (1933 – 1945)
b) Escapes of scholars from the Communist rule (1917 – 1989)
c) Immigration of scholars to European countries after World War II in seeking escape
from authoritarian regimes in their home countries (1945 until today).

The analysis of these migration waves enables to consider especially the following questions:

Of fundamental importance is first of all correlation of the developments in the
individual European countries, comparison of temporal distribution of emigration, its
internal dynamics and national specific features
Connection between emigration of scholars and malevolent ideologies associated with
the dictatorships (the influence of racial theories and approaches, the role of the so
called “stratum of intelligentsia” in the periods of escalated class hatred, and others)
Ways of formation of supranational or international networks supporting émigré
scholars (aid organized by the League of Nations or later UNO, organizations like the
British Society for the Protection of Science and Learning or Council for Assisting
Refugee Academics)

Various concepts in approaches of individual countries towards scholars leaving for
exile, analogies and dissimilarities (for instance, is there something like a “European
concept” that would differentiate the approach of European countries from the policies
of the USA or other non-European states towards the exile scholars?)
How can be distinguished these politically motivated exile waves from the so-
called “brain drain” stimulated in the first place by existential and economic aspects
with the view of professional career?
Were there other alternatives than emigration for open-minded scholars with free way
of thinking (conformity with the regime, the so-called “internal emigration”, gulags
and similar establishments, and others)?

From the standpoint of the Czech developments, the Conference should deal with the
following migration waves:
- Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian emigration in the years 1918 – 1948 and its
survival during the Communist regime
- Emigration waves from Germany and Austria in the years 1933 – 1939 and the
position of intellectuals within
- Emigration of scholars from the former Czechoslovakia in the years 1939 – 1945, its
tracks and forms
- Difficulties in the developments in the years 1945 – 1948 (inconsistencies in dealings
with returning scholars, Czech and Slovak opposition living abroad)
- The first major emigration wave from the Communist Czechoslovakia after the
Communist coup in February 1948 and the position of scholars within
- Emigration of scholars from the Communist Czechoslovakia in the period after the
Warsaw Pact armies invasion in August 1968
- Inconsistent relationship of the Czechoslovak public to exile scholars returning home
after 1989
- Long-term departures of the Czech scholars for abroad after 1989; its comparison with
emigration from the Communists Czechoslovakia

The organizers welcome especially contributions related to particular scientific institutions,
specific situations and characteristics of individual fields, both in sciences and humanities.
In relation to Czech exile, the Conference attempts to accomplish two tasks: determine the
present state of research and serve as a platform where the former “émigrés” can share their
personal experience and position. Therefore, the scholarly part of the Conference will be
supplemented by a round table discussion and social gatherings.

The language of the Conference is English and the anticipated Conference Fee is 40 Euros.
Abstracts will be required. Submitted papers will be published on the Internet. Some
participants will be asked to contribute to the collective monograph that will be published in

In case of your interest in participation or in getting further materials about the
Conference, please send us kindly the following information before January 20 (after
this date we will distribute the 1st Circular with more details):

First and last name:
Mailing address or other contact:

Please mark your intentions:
• I wish to obtain more information about the Conference: YES
• I intend to participate in the Conference and wish to obtain detailed information and
instructions: YES
• I will prepare a paper (20-30 minutes) or a short discussion contribution (5-10 mins)

Title of my paper or discussion contribution:



Centre for the History of Sciences and Humanities
Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Puškinovo nám. 9
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

Fax: +420221990612