Un appel à contribution fort intéressant organisé par des étudiants s'intéressant au 18e siècle français (mais la langue de travail du colloque sera l'anglais).
"Closure in the 18th Century"
Saturday, May 5, 2001
Princeton University
A conference presented by the Princeton Eighteenth Century Society
For many philosophers, political theorists, literary critics, and
historians, the French Revolution of 1789 marks the end of the Ancien
Régime, or the classical episteme and the beginning of modernity.
Others understand this moment as a divide between the end of the
classical age and the birth of the romantic age. Much of the writing
about the 18th century is concerned with closure. However, this
necessity for seeing and demarcating closure -- philosophically,
historically, and otherwise -- which distinguishes many of the writings on
the 18th century also inhabits and is problematized in the very texts,
buildings, works of art, etc., that were written, constructed, and
created in the 18th century.
Marivaux's, Diderot's, and Sterne's novels all provoke questions or
problems of closure in the narrative form with their abandoned
conclusions and "unfinished" endings. Various forms of enclosures (from
previously public land, to the building, to the codex), also play a
dramatic role in transforming identity, subjectivity, art forms,
science, etc. New prisons, new theaters, Sadian torture rooms, and even
the human body create enclosed spaces that dictate and articulate new
forms of knowledge, new economies, and new forms of communication.
The Princeton Eighteenth Century Society (P.E.C.S.) invites papers that
explore closure in any of its manifestations in the 18th Century. We
welcome contributors from all disciplines. General categories for
investigation are listed but not limited to the following:
Enclosure (public space, architectural, codex, textual)
Framing (art, tables, text)
Narrative closure
Historical and philosophical closure
If you would like to present a 20-minute paper, please send a 250- to 300-word abstract by March 20 to Andrew Clark (ahclark@princeton.edu) or
Princeton Eighteenth Society
201 East Pyne Hall
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544 USA
A full schedule and details will be forthcoming at
www.princeton.edu/~ahclark/pecs.html. No registration for the
conference will be necessary for audience members. Please write Andrew
Clark (ahclark@princeton.edu) with any other inquiries.
Appels à contributions
Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : klhaugen@phoenix.Princeton.EDU)