EXHIBITION UNDER CONSTRUCTION: After ArcadesEXHIBITION UNDER CONSTRUCTION seeks to distractedly put on view--through uniquemethods of display--a flash of ideas inspired by Benjamin's . We invite previously unpublished works that delve into theperipheral, the sensual, the historical, the distracted, and the everyday. Theeditors of this proposed volume are working under the premise that thetraditional or standard academic volume of 15-20pg. prose essays is no longersolely capable of containing (or putting on view) works produced after theradical epistemological break that is Benjamin's . Instead, thisanthology will serve as a forum/gallery for experimental works incorporating awide variety of forms--from the feuilleton, photo-montage, trash, historicalessay, single sentence, ficto-criticism, postscript and archival collage to theannotated bibliography, dream inscription, documentary poem, "empire vignette",and ethnography of distraction. Nervous, performative, sentient, visual,transient, poetic and overdetermined works are particularly welcome.Potential contributors are asked to examine the editors' two previouslyco-edited volumes--these suggest the range and poetics of submissions presentlysought: , May Joseph and Jennifer Natalya Fink, editors,(University of Minnesota Press, 1999); and , Diane Glancy and Mark Nowak, editors, (Coffee House Press,1999). Other possible prototype collections include ,Georges Bataille et al (Atlas Press Reprint, London, 1995); back issues of thejournal (http://bfn.org/~xcp); POL(E)TICS:documenta X-the book (Cantz Press); Anyone Series (MIT Press); Zone Books;, Translated by MichaelRichardson and Krzysztof Fijalkowski (Verso, 1996);,Michael Taussig (Routledge, 1993); etc.Submissions for should be sent to both editors,at the addresses below, by September 1, 2001. Please include currentc.v., e-mail address, and SASE with your submission. Send work to:Mark Nowak, editor<_Xcp: Cross-Cultural Poetics_>601 25th Avenue SouthMinneapolis, MN. 55454May JosephAssociate Professor, Global StudiesDepartment of Social SciencePratt Institute200 Willoughby AvenueBrooklyn, N.Y. 11205
Appels à contributions
Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : CFP)