Appels à contributions
15th International Corpus Linguistics Conference (CILC2024). Corpus Linguistics, (digital) discourse, and AI. Unlocking new horizons (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)

15th International Corpus Linguistics Conference (CILC2024). Corpus Linguistics, (digital) discourse, and AI. Unlocking new horizons (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : Ángeles Sánchez-Hernández)

The Spanish Association of Corpus Linguistics (AELINCO) and the organizing committee of this annual conference edition are pleased to invite you to the 15th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2024), which will take place from 22 to 24 May 2024 at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
The central theme of this conference, revolving around Corpus Linguistics, (digital) discourse, and AI, provides a broad forum for further theoretical and methodological aspects of research. Participants have the opportunity to explore innovative frameworks that can enhance our understanding of language, communication, and information dissemination in the digital age. At the heart of this exploration is the recognition of the important potential of corpus linguistics as a powerful tool for advancing social welfare.
Corpus Linguistics, with its data-driven approach and meticulous examination of vast language datasets, provides the foundational bedrock upon which AI can thrive. By harnessing the power of machine learning and natural language processing, AI systems can extract meaningful patterns, semantic relationships, and contextual nuances from linguistic corpora at an unprecedented scale. This symbiotic relationship empowers researchers to delve deeper into understanding language evolution, human communication, and digital discourse dynamics, ultimately paving the way for innovative applications in machine translation, sentiment analysis, chatbots, and more. This conference invites scholars and practitioners to explore the cutting-edge intersections of Corpus Linguistics and AI, showcasing how this dynamic partnership continues to revolutionize our understanding of language and shape the future of AI-driven communication technologies.

In addition to contributions that fit the central theme of the conference, we invite contributions that address any of the AELINCO thematic panels.

Call for papers

Prospect speakers are encouraged to submit abstract proposals that align with one of the nine AELINCO thematic panels:

1. Corpus design, compilation and types.
2. Discourse, literary analysis and corpora.
3. Corpus-based grammatical studies.
4. Corpus-based lexicology and lexicography.
5. Corpora, contrastive studies and translation.
6. Linguistic variation and change through corpora.
7. Corpus-based computational linguistics.
8. Corpora, language acquisition and teaching.
9. Special uses of corpus linguistics.

The CILC2024 Organizing Committee invites to submit paper proposals (20 minutes), posters, workshops or seminars, which are in line with the central themes of this conference or fall under one of the nine areas of interest (panels) of AELINCO.

Each participant can submit a maximum of two proposals in English or Spanish from 23 October 2023, until 15 January 2024, the deadline for submission.

The acceptance notifications will be sent out on February 15, 2024.

The proposals will have to be sent to the email address following these instructions for submission:

 Prospective authors may send an abstract between 450-550 words, excluding bibliography.
 Authors should present a main argument, aims, theoretical framework and some results.
 The abstract will be submitted to review and should be formatted in the following style:
o AELINCO PANEL to which the abstract is submitted (centred & italics).
o Title: centred, bold, font Times New Roman 14 pts.
o Keywords: italics, font Times New Roman 12 pts (below the title).
o Main text: justified, font Times New Roman 12 pts, linear interspacing 1.
 Please, add your references using APA 7 style.
 Please, submit your abstract in both DOC and PDF formats.
 Please, anonymize references to the author(s). Additionally, include a second Word document with the title of your abstract, your name, affiliation, and your email.

REMEMBER to assign your submitted abstract to one of the nine AELINCO panels. If accepted, the abstract will be published in the online book of abstracts.

Number of contributions: Participants in the conference may present two contributions maximum, either co-authored or as single authors.

Plenary speakers 

Dra. María Luisa Carrió Pastor, Polytechnic University of Valencia
- Dra. Patricia Rodríguez Inés, Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Dra. Irma Taavitsainen, University of Helsinki Registration: Being a member of AELINCO is an absolute prerequisite for participation. If you are interested in becoming a member of AELINCO, you can find a comprehensive description of the application process on the AELINCO website at

 Early bird registration is available from February 26 to April 8, 2024, with the following registration fees:
- Regular Registration: €120
- Postgraduate Students (proof of certification required): €80
- Undergraduate Students (proof of certification required): €40

 For late registration, which runs from April 9 to May 20, 2024, the registration fees are as follows:
- Regular Registration: €160
- Postgraduate Students (proof of certification required): €120
- Undergraduate Students (proof of certification required): €60.