_Renaissance and Modern Studies_ invites contributions for a special issue on Fascism and Aesthetics to be published in the Summer of 2001. Key issues to be addressed will be:
- Whether the aestheticisation of politics necessarily entails fascism.
- Whether contemporary aesthetics and popular culture are potentially fascistic themselves.
- Whether fascism can be conceived as a cultural rather than political category.
- The aesthetics of fascism.
- Fascist Aesthetics.
- Aesthetic resistance to fascism.
- Non-fascist aestheticisation of politics.
Completed papers of no more than 7,000 words (2 x print-outs and 1 x PC diskette) WITH AN ABSTRACT should be sent by January 20th 2001 to this volume's special editor, Greg Hainge, at the following address:
Dr. Greg Hainge
Centre for European Studies
Adelaide University
Adelaide SA 5005
The diskette should contain an electronic version of the article saved as an rtf document and/or Word 6 or above (but not 2000). The print-outs should be double spaced and have a wide margin on the left-hand side. The print-outs should appear in the format that is required for the final printing. Please indicate on the disk sent which software was used to prepare the essay. When submitting the disk and the print-outs please be sure to retain your own copies of both.
The conventions to be used are those of the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA). The MHRA style book can be consulted in most libraries. Articles not adhering to these conventions will not be considered for publication. The editors ask contributors to note the following points of style in particular (a more detailed version of the required conventions is available from the guest editor:
--References to books.
- Do not include the publisher's name.
- For individual volume numbers upper case roman numerals are used.
- p. and pp. figure only when no volume number is included.
- Abbreviations for >edited by< etc. are not used.
Niccolo Machiavelli, _The Chief Works and Others_, translated by Allan Gilbert, 3 vols (Durham, North Carolina, 1965), I, 9.
_The Works of Thomas Nashe_, edited by R.B. McKerrow, second edition, revised by F.P. Wilson, 5 vols (Oxford, 1958), III, 94-98.
--References to Periodicals.
Only the volume number should appear and in the form of an arabic numeral, regardless of the practice of the journal itself; the year only and not the season or month figures in brackets; p. and pp. are not used except when referring to a newspaper.
Christopher Ricks, Tennyson: "Armageddon" into "Timbuctoo", _MLR_ 61 (1961), 23-24.
Use single quotation marks for a simple quotation, and double quotation marks for a quotation within a quotation. Lengthy quotations (over sixty words) and extracts from poems should be indented from both margins and should not have quotation marks. Such indented quotations should be single spaced.
All quotations from foreign languages should be accompanied by a translation placed in a footnote.
On the whole the editors prefer articles to be divided into sections with each given a subheading but not numbered.
--Notes on Contributors.
Contributors should include with their essay a brief entry of four or five sentences for this section of the journal. We suggest information on current position, principal publications and awards, and research in progress.
Page proofs will be submitted to contributors for correction. At that stage only minor alterations can be made, and no rewriting can be permitted.
The editors reserve the right to amend manuscripts: punctuation and any use of English that appears unclear will be altered if necessary to improve presentation and ease of reading.
Contributors receive fifteen offprints of their article and one copy of the complete journal.
Dr. Greg Hainge, Associate Lecturer in French,
Centre for European Studies, University of Adelaide SA 5005.
tel: (Int. + 61) (08) 8303 5659, fax: 8303 5241
Australian Society for French Studies Publications Editor
AULLA XXXI Conference Co-Convenor and Secretary
Australia and New Zealand Representative
of the Société d'Études Céliniennes
AG (source : Francofil)
Appels à contributions
Publié le par Alexandre Gefen