Organisation and Scientific Committee
Fabrizio Impellizzeri (Associate Professor, University of Catania)
Riccardo Raimondo (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow, University of Oslo)
Alessandro Scarsella (Associate Professor, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Allison Steenson (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, University of Sussex)
Giuseppe Trovato (Senior Lecturer, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
The conference Crossing Borders Via Translation(s) investigates one of the most challenging research areas in current Comparative Translation Studies by building on the most recent perspectives on transnational studies.
The conference addresses the “border-crossing potential” of translation, especially when it comes to investigating the impact of a translated text on another translated text or to compare interconnected translators/translations that share similar imaginaries of translation (translation practices, conceptions of translation, interpretations of the source text, etc.). The organisation committee will privilege proposals that address at least two linguistic areas in a comparative perspective (apart from the language of the source text).
Cross-texts: Theoretical Perspectives on Borders and Translation
The Theoretical Panel will include papers on translation theories that aim to model and illustrate original methodologies addressing at least one of the following issues:
- investigating the role of a translated text on the shaping of another one (preferably into another language, in translation and/or self-translation);
- model the main features of a “translation tradition” connecting several translated texts (in one or more languages);
- theorising comparative paradigms to study translators/translations that share similar imaginaries of translation (translation practices, conceptions of translation, interpretation of the source text, etc.) into one or more languages.
Transnational Petrarchisms, Cross-texts, and Borders
As a complex, pan-European literary movement, the Petrarchan tradition constitutes a privileged perspective for understanding the origins of modern European identities and cultures. Studies of European Petrarchism have not yet fully investigated the significant role played by translations—as a specific literary genre—in this transnational movement. Furthermore, a comparative approach specifically based on the translation history of Petrarchan poetry has never been conducted.
This panel aims to apply the theoretical framework to a case study, and will thus address translations of Petrarch’s works from a comparative and transnational standpoint building on at least one of the following research topics:
- the impact of a translated text on the shaping of other translations/re-writings of Petrarch or Petrarchan traditions;
- the comparison between translators/translations of Petrarch that share similar imaginaries of translation (translation practices, conceptions of translation, interpretations of the source text, etc.);
- the history of the reception of a Petrarchan translated text into one or more linguistic areas (thus involving at least two languages besides Italian).
Proposals should be submitted in English, Italian, French or Spanish to the e-mail address below not later than the 1st of June 2022. Proposals should include an abstract (max. 300 words), a title, a short biobibliography (around 100 words) and contacts (e-mail, telephone, etc.). Selected candidates will be informed by the end of June 2022. The Congress will be held at the University of Oslo, Norwegian Institute in Rome (Italy) on the 1st and 2nd September 2022.
The event will be held in the hybrid mode, conference registration is free, the organisation will offer catering and snacks, but accommodation and travel costs are the responsibility of the speakers (a list of partner hotels and facilities will be provided).
Proposals will be the object of a publication in a conference-proceeding volume. These texts need therefore to be previously unpublished, should pass through a further selection and will have to be sent during the months following the Congress.