CFP Scritture migranti 16/2022 - EN/FR/IT, Special issue - "Crossing drawn borders: bande dessinée et migration"
CFP Scritture migranti 16/2022 - EN/FR/IT
Special issue - Crossing drawn borders: bande dessinée et migration
Ce numéro spécial de Scritture migranti vise à explorer la représentation des récits de migration dans la bande dessinée.
La production de bandes dessinées traitant du thème de la migration est en plein dynamisme. Les graphic memoirs, les autobiographies, le BD reportage et les romans ethnographiques - pour ne citer que quelques genres - se sont fréquemment emparés des expériences de migration internationale passées et contemporaines. Une production aussi vaste et florissante invite à réfléchir sur le rôle de la bande dessinée comme support spécifique pour raconter les phénomènes migratoires, et encourage une exploration plus approfondie de la manière dont les nouvelles connaissances sur la migration peuvent circuler par le biais de la bande dessinée. Des études récentes ont abordé le sujet sous différents angles, comme la mémoire et la représentation de l’expérience des migrant·e·s (Serrano 2021), le postcolonialisme (McKinney 2021), les récits autobiographiques et mémoriels (Nabizadeh 2019), les passés traumatiques (Davies et Rifkind 2020), les aspects émotionnels (Humphrey 2017), la politique et l’esthétique (Earle 2020 ; Nabizadeh 2014), les topographies (Rifkind 2017) et les braided geographies (Davies 2019).
Nous sommes donc intéressés par un large éventail de contributions qui explorent davantage l'intersection entre la bande dessinée et la migration, et qui étudient la manière dont la bande dessinée attire l’attention sur les problèmes urgents de la migration. Nous accueillons donc des propositions issues de différents contextes disciplinaires pour étudier la manière dont les causes, les mécanismes et la dynamique de la migration sont représentés dans les bandes dessinées. Afin de mieux comprendre comment les bandes dessinées contribuent à forger notre connaissance de la migration, nous accueillons des propositions sur la bande dessinée et la migration déclinées en trois axes principaux :
● Un axe thématique, qui examinera comment les récits de migration sont transmis sous forme de bandes dessinées ;
● Un axe touchant à la production des savoirs, en analysant la (co-)création de bandes dessinées, le matériel qui est collecté et le résultat qui est assemblé, ainsi que les défis associés à ces processus ;
● Un axe portant sur la réception, en considérant l’utilisation didactique des bandes dessinées traitant de la migration, les façons dont les bandes dessinées sont (et peuvent être) utilisées comme un outil de diffusion de la recherche académique sur le sujet, et les effets que les bandes dessinées sur la migration ont sur l’élaboration des politiques.
Nous attendons donc des propositions qui explorent les représentations des récits de migration, en particulier, mais pas exclusivement, dans des œuvres contemporaines issues de différentes traditions de la bande dessinée et de différents contextes culturels. Les thèmes peuvent inclure (mais ne sont pas limités à) :
● stratégies militantes activistes et d’empowerment
● bandes dessinées autobiographiques et biographiques
● minorités et nouvelles communautés
● politique et éthique de la représentation
● pratiques participatives
● anthropologie socioculturelle et ethnographie
● journalisme en bande dessinée
● la bande dessinée comme propagande
La date limite de soumission d’un résumé de 300 mots et d’une courte notice biographique (100-150 mots) est fixée au 28 février 2022. Les propositions auront un maximum de 40 000 caractères, espaces, notes et bibliographie comprises, et pourront être présentées en anglais, français ou italien. Les auteurs peuvent inclure jusqu’à trois images ; la permission de reproduction de celles-ci devra être obtenue avant la date de publication du numéro spécial. Les directives éditoriales (avec un modèle de référence) et d'autres informations pratiques et stylistiques seront communiquées après acceptation des soumissions.
Calendrier d’activités:
Date limite pour les résumés : 28 février 2022
Notification d’acceptation : 15 mars 2022
Soumission de la contribution : 15 juillet 2022
Peer review : avant le 15 septembre 2022
Livraison de la version finale des articles : 1er novembre 2022
Veuillez adresser toute demande de renseignements au comité de rédaction : .
Le comité de rédaction du numéro spécial:
Dr. Giorgio Busi Rizzi, Universiteit Gent
Prof. Natalie Dupré, KU Leuven
Prof. Inge Lanslots, KU Leuven
Alessia Mangiavillano, doctorante, Coventry University
Crossing Drawn Borders: Comics and Migration
This special issue of Scritture migranti seeks to explore the representation of migration narratives in the comics medium.
The current production of comics dealing with the theme of migration is blooming. Graphic memoirs, autobiographies, pieces of comics journalism, and ethno-graphic novels – just to mention a few genres – have drawn great attention to the past and contemporary international migrant experiences. Such a large and thriving production suggests reflecting on the role of comics as a specific medium to tell migration phenomena and encourages a further exploration on how new knowledge on migration can circulate through comics. Recent studies have approached migration from different perspectives, such as remembrance and portraying of the immigrant experience (Serrano 2021), postcolonialism (McKinney 2021), life narratives and memories (Nabizadeh 2019), traumatic pasts (Davies and Rifkind 2020), aspects of emotions (Humphrey 2017), politics and aesthetics (Earle 2020; Nabizadeh 2014), topographies (Rifkind 2017), and braided geographies (Davies 2019).
We are thus interested in a broad range of contributions to further explore the intersection between comics and migration and expand our understanding of how comics raise awareness of pressing migration issues. We therefore invite paper proposals from different disciplinary backgrounds that engage on how causes, mechanisms, and dynamics of migration are represented in comics form. To enrich our collective understanding of how comics work to shape our knowledge of migration, we suggest that the proposals consider the intersection of migration and comics from three main perspectives:
● regarding themes, discussing how migration narratives are conveyed in comics form;
● concerning knowledge production, investigating how comics are (co-)created, their material collected, and the result assembled, and the challenges associated with these processes;
● focusing on reception, taking into account the didactic use of comics dealing with migration, the ways comics are (and can be) used as a tool to disseminate academic research about migration, and the effects comics about migration (may) have on policy-making.
We invite contributions that explore the representation(s) of migration narratives mostly, but not exclusively, in contemporary works from different comics traditions and cultural backgrounds. Themes may include (but are not limited to):
● advocacy, activism strategies, and empowerment
● autobiographical and biographical comics
● minorities and new communities
● politics and ethics of representation
● participatory practices
● socio-cultural anthropology and ethnography
● comics journalism
● comics as propaganda
The deadline for the submission of a 300 word abstract and a short author note (100-150 words) is February 28, 2022. Contributions will be 40,000 characters maximum including spaces, notes and bibliography, and can be submitted in English, French, or Italian. Authors may include up to three images, whose copyright clearance must be obtained by the date of publication of the special issue. Editorial guidelines (with a reference template) and additional practical and stylistic information will be communicated upon acceptance of proposals.
Publication timeline:
Abstracts deadline: February 28, 2022
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2022
Submission deadline: July 15, 2022
Peer review: by September 15, 2022
Delivery of final version of articles: November 1, 2022
Please address all enquiries to the editors
The special issue editorial board:
Dr. Giorgio Busi Rizzi, Universiteit Gent
Prof. Natalie Dupré, KU Leuven
Prof. Inge Lanslots, KU Leuven
Alessia Mangiavillano, PhD Candidate, Coventry University
Crossing Drawn Borders: fumetto e migrazione
Questo numero speciale di Scritture migranti propone di esplorare la rappresentazione delle narrazioni di migrazione nel medium del fumetto.
La produzione di fumetti che trattano il tema della migrazione sta fiorendo. Graphic memoirs, autobiografie, graphic journalism e ethno-graphic novels - solo per citare alcuni generi - hanno originato una grande attenzione sulle esperienze migratorie internazionali passate e contemporanee. Una produzione così ampia e fiorente invita a riflettere sul ruolo del fumetto come mezzo specifico per raccontare i fenomeni migratori e incoraggia un’ulteriore esplorazione riguardo il modo in cui nuove conoscenze sulla migrazione possano circolare attraverso i fumetti. Studi recenti hanno affrontato il tema da diverse prospettive, come la memoria e la rappresentazione dell’esperienza migrante (Serrano 2021), il postcolonialismo (McKinney 2021), le narrazioni autobiografiche e memoriali (Nabizadeh 2019), i passati traumatici (Davies e Rifkind 2020), gli aspetti relativi alle emozioni (Humphrey 2017), la politica e l’estetica (Earle 2020; Nabizadeh 2014), le topografie (Rifkind 2017) e le braided geographies (Davies 2019).
Siamo pertanto interessati a un’ampia gamma di contributi che esplorino ulteriormente l'intersezione tra fumetti e migrazione, e investighino il modo in cui i fumetti attirano l’attenzione su pressanti questioni migratorie. Invitiamo quindi a inviare proposte di contributi che muovano da background disciplinari diversi per indagare il modo in cui le cause, i meccanismi e le dinamiche della migrazione sono rappresentati in forma di fumetto. Per arricchire la comprensione collettiva di come i fumetti possano contribuire a plasmare la conoscenza della migrazione, suggeriamo che le proposte considerino l'intersezione di migrazione e fumetti da tre prospettive principali:
● per quanto riguarda i temi, discutendo il modo in cui le narrazioni della migrazione sono veicolate in forma di fumetto;
● riguardo la produzione di conoscenza, analizzando la (co-)creazione di fumetti, il materiale che viene raccolto e il risultato che viene assemblato, e le sfide associate a questi processi;
● per ciò che concerne la ricezione, prendendo in considerazione l’uso didattico dei fumetti che si occupano di migrazione, i modi in cui i fumetti sono (e possono essere) usati come strumento per disseminare la ricerca accademica sul tema, e gli effetti che i fumetti sulla migrazione hanno sul policy-making.
Invitiamo pertanto a presentare contributi che esplorino la rappresentazione (o le rappresentazioni) delle narrazioni della migrazione soprattutto, ma non esclusivamente, in opere contemporanee provenienti da diverse tradizioni fumettistiche e background culturali. I temi possono includere (ma non sono limitati a):
● advocacy, strategie di attivismo ed empowerment
● fumetti autobiografici e biografici
● minoranze e nuove comunità
● politica ed etica della rappresentazione
● pratiche partecipative
● antropologia socio-culturale ed etnografia
● giornalismo a fumetti
● fumetto come propaganda
La scadenza per la presentazione di un abstract di 300 parole e di una breve nota dell'autore (100-150 parole) è il 28 febbraio 2022. I contributi saranno di 40.000 caratteri al massimo, inclusi gli spazi, le note e la bibliografia, e possono essere presentati in inglese, francese o italiano. Gli autori possono includere fino a tre immagini, la cui liberatoria riguardo il copyright deve essere ottenuta entro la data di pubblicazione del numero speciale. Le linee guida editoriali (con un template di riferimento) e ulteriori informazioni pratiche e stilistiche saranno comunicate al momento dell’accettazione delle proposte.
Calendario di lavorazione:
Scadenza degli abstract: 28 febbraio 2022
Notifica di accettazione: 1 marzo 2022
Invio dei contributi: 15 luglio 2022
Peer review: entro il 15 settembre
Consegna della versione definitiva degli articoli: 1 novembre
Si prega di indirizzare tutte le richieste all’indirizzo
Il comitato editoriale dello special issue:
Dr. Giorgio Busi Rizzi, Universiteit Gent
Prof. Natalie Dupré, KU Leuven
Prof. Inge Lanslots, KU Leuven
Alessia Mangiavillano, dottoranda, Coventry University
Brienza, Casey, and Paddy Johnston. eds. 2016. Cultures of Comics Work. New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
Burrell, Kathy, and Kathrin Hörschelmann. 2018. “Perilous Journeys: Visualising the Racialised ‘Refugee Crisis.’” Antipode 51 (1): 45–65.
Davies, Dominic. 2019. “Braided Geographies: Bordered Forms and Cross-Border Formations in Refugee Comics.” Journal for Cultural Research 23 (2): 124–43.
Dix, Benjamin, and Kaur, Raminder. 2019. “Drawing-Writing Culture: The Truth-Fiction Spectrum of an Ethno-Graphic Novel on the Sri Lankan Civil War and Migration”. Visual Anthropology Review 35 (1): 76–111.
Earle, Harriet. 2020. “The Politics of Lace in Kate Evans’ Threads: From the Refugee Crisis (2017).” The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 10 (1).
Humphrey, Aaron. 2017. “Emotion and Secrecy in Australian Asylum-Seeker Comics: The Politics of Visual Style.” International Journal of Cultural Studies 21 (5): 457–85.
McKinney, Mark. 2021. Postcolonialism and Migration in French Comics. S.L.: Leuven University Press.
Mickwitz, Nina. 2020. “Comics Telling Refugee Stories.” In Documenting Trauma in Comics: Traumatic Pasts, Embodied Histories, and Graphic Reportage, edited by Dominic Davies and Candida Rifkind, 277–296. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Nabizadeh, Golnar. 2019. Representation and Memory in Graphic Novels. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, Ny: Routledge, An Imprint Of The Taylor & Francis Group.
Precup, Mihaela, and Dragoș Manea. 2020. “Life Was a Precarious Dance”: Graphic Narration and the Construction of a Transcultural Memory Space in the PositiveNegatives Project.” In Agency in Transnational Memory Politics, edited by Jenny Wüstenberg and Aline Sierp, 261-283. New York Berghahn.
Rifkind, Candida. 2017. “Refugee Comics and Migrant Topographies.” A/B: Auto/Biography Studies 32 (3): 648–54.
Rumsby, Charlie. 2020. “Retrospective (re)presentation: turning the written ethnographic text into an ‘ethno-graphic’’. entanglements 3 (2): 7–27.
Serrano, Nhora Lucía, ed. 2021. Immigrants and Comics: Graphic Spaces of Remembrance, Transaction, and Mimesis. New York, Ny: Routledge.
Wong, Sara, Rachel Shapcott, and Emma Parker. 2020. “Graphic Lives, Visual Stories: Reflections on Practice, Participation, and the Potentials of Creative Engagement.” A/B: Auto/Biography Studies 35 (2): 311–29.