Appels à contributions
Women and Territories

Women and Territories

Publié le par Ivanne Rialland (Source : BYU Women's Studies)



Women’s Studies

2nd Annual Conference, November 1-3,  2012


The 2nd Annual Women’s Studies Conference will focus on Women and Territories. Whether at home or in nature, in crowded cities or villages, women influence their space, they trace or cross boundaries, they discover new lands, or they long for a place they had to abandon.

We invite faculty to submit 300-word abstracts for individual papers on these topics or other related themes. Advanced students should submit both a 100-word abstract, and an 8-10-page paper. Possible themes include but are not limited to

  • Urban vs. rural women, women and nature, women and the city
  • Women geographers or ethnographers
  • Women and national identity
  • Mapping the female body
  • Exile, migration, immigration, exodus, women refugees
  • Women and home
  • The desert, the mountain, the river
  • By land, by air, by sea: women travelers, explorers, pilots, cyclists, sailors
  • Women in the private or public sphere
  • Orientalism, exotic women, women and continents, continents as women
  • Drawing lines, transgressing boundaries


Submissions should be sent to:  by May 19, 2012. Please include your name, title, academic and departmental affiliation, e-mail, mailing address and phone number, title of your paper, topic from the list above in which it may fit, and the abstract (students should also submit the 8-10 page paper).