Appels à contributions
Visual Africa: Women’s Artistic and Cinematic Representations of Contemporary Africa (NeMLA, Philadelphia)

Visual Africa: Women’s Artistic and Cinematic Representations of Contemporary Africa (NeMLA, Philadelphia)

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : Anna Rocca)

CFP – Roundtable

Visual Africa: Women’s Artistic and Cinematic Representations of Contemporary Africa

52nd Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention

Philadelphia, PA

11-14 March 2021


Deadline for abstract: 30 September 2020.

This panel invites papers on African women’s artistic and cinematic representations of contemporary Africa. Some questions to explore may include, among others: how do African women artists relate with stereotypes and essential notions and visual representations of Africa, the latter created for Westerners’ consumption? How do female artists appropriate and imagine cultural heritage? Are they defining new aesthetics and perspectives of (national) identity? Do women artist posit a multiplicity of shifting ranging from static binary categories such as Nord/South, black/white, African/European, foreign/national, to overlapping identity formation as well as localized, situational, and/or hyphenated identities ?