Appels à contributions
Thinking Race, Writing Gender: Ernest J. Gaines' Vision

Thinking Race, Writing Gender: Ernest J. Gaines' Vision

Publié le par Florian Pennanech (Source : N'GUESSAN KOUADIO GERMAIN)

Thinking Race, Writing Gender: Ernest J. Gaines' Vision

Deadline: July 31, 2010

Call for papers for a collective publication on Ernest J.Gaines

While carefully going through Ernest James Gaines' writing,one notices the presence of racial and gender issues. In view of publishing acollective book on the literature of this regionalist writer from Virginia, weinvite authors to submit papers ranging from as various theoreticalperspectives as the following:

- Marxism

- Feminism

- Psychoanalysis

- Postcolonialism

- Structuralism

- Sociocriticism

- Narratology

- Deconstructionism

- Culturalstudies,

- Etc.

Instructions to authors:

Articles should be presented as follows:

1-Title of the article on top of the page followed by nameof author and University of affiliation

2- Sumary (200 words maximum) in English followed by 5 to 10key-words.

3-Intertitles: they must be presented as follows: 1-, 1.1-,1.1.1-, etc.

4-Quotations : Quotations of less than 04 lines:incorporated in the text.

5-Quotations of 04 lines or more: separated from the textwith an indent of 1.5 cmfrom the left.

6-References in the text: (Author, year, page) (Ex.Walker,1983, 227).

7-Titles of books, reviews and journals: in italics.

8-Title of articles, thesis, mémoires, poems: in quotationmarks but not in italics.

9-Foreign words: (" ")

10-Footnotes: continuous for the whole text.

11- Bibliography: analphabetically and according to the MLAhandbook

12- Submission of articles: articles of 12 pages maximum,spacing: 1,5, font size: 12, Times New Roman, must be sent to: N'GUESSANKouadio Germain, e-mail: at the latest on July 31, 2010