Appels à contributions
RSA Panel: Innocence in the Renaissance

RSA Panel: Innocence in the Renaissance

Publié le par Marielle Macé (Source : Irina Iakounina)

Renaissance Society of America Meeting  

We are seeking papers on Innocence in the Renaissance. Images and symbols of innocence, such as animals, flowers and children abound in Renaissance literature. What other images and symbols of innocence does one encounter? To what purpose is innocence used? Do the images of innocence support or illustrate an ideology? Do they have a rhetorical purpose? For example, might they vehicle a nostalgia for a mythical Golden Age? Or perhaps help to imagine a utopian future? Are the images of innocence ever used to describe contemporary realities? Your paper could explore these topics, or suggest your own perspective on the subject. Send your abstract of 300 words by May 20, 2008 to or