Questions de société
Pour une Nouvelle Europe : Conférence Européenne des Luttes face à l'Austérité

Pour une Nouvelle Europe : Conférence Européenne des Luttes face à l'Austérité

Publié le par Arnaud Welfringer (Source : Francesca Martinez Tagliavia)

Calendrier/agenda militant, février 2011

Pour une Nouvelle Europe : Conférence Européenne des Luttes face à l'Austérité

 11-13 février 2011

Université de Paris 8 Saint Denis


Vendredi 11 Février 2011 : EHESS, 105 Boulevard Raspail, amphithéâtre François Furet

14h – 15h : Bienvenue

15h : Introduction

Information logistique et organisation locale

15h30 – 20h : Ouverture “Les luttes face à la crise : Expériences européennes de résistance à l'austérité”

Cette ouverture vise à créer un espace de partage et de discussion collective entre les différents participants autour de la grande révolte transnationale contre l'austérité qui a impliqué les étudiants, les universitaires et les mouvements sociaux en Europe et ailleurs. Les groupes et les collectifs sont invités à préparer des interventions de 10 à 15 minutes afin de présenter ce qui caractérise leurs expériences locales et nationales de luttes. L'objectif est celui de penser ensemble des propositions concrètes pour constituer un réseau européen.


Samedi 12 Février

Université Paris 8, Saint-Denis

10h -13h : Tables de discussion

Trois tables de discussion autour des aspects spécifiques des mouvements se tiendront simultanément afin de permettre une discussion politique plus approfondie et l'analyse collective des pratiques communes. Chaque table aura un ou deux coordinateurs afin de faciliter la discussion, tout en restant ouverte. Chaque groupe doit tenter d'explorer la cible des différents conflits et de créer des propositions concrètes par le biais de campagnes européennes, d'enquêtes militantes et par l'organisation de journées d'action commune qui seront ensuite discutées. Les trois thèmes principaux seront organisés comme suit:

a) Transformations de l'université : accès gratuit vs privatisation, le corporatisme et la méritocratie

Cette table se propose d'analyser et de comparer les transformations qui se déroulent dans les universités européennes ainsi que les différentes formes de luttes qui les accompagnent. Par exemple, comment le Processus de Bologne est-il appliqué, et quelles sont les articulations nationales de la nouvelle organisation mondiale du travail cognitif?

b) Education autonome, auto-formation, accès libre aux savoirs : nouvelles pratiques de l'éducation alternative

Ici, la discussion s'articulera autour des pratiques alternatives d'éducation et d'auto-formation comme stratégies de résistance et d'organisation autonome. Quelles sont les possibilités et les difficultés de l'éducation autonome? Quelles sont les pratiques dont les mouvements étudiants ont fait l'expérience? Qu'est-ce que cela signifie de créer une université autonome globale?

c) Précarité, Dette, Welfare : vers un commonfare

Cette table a pour but de discuter le rôle du mouvement étudiant dans le contexte plus général de la précarité économique et de l'exploitation. Les problèmes d'endettement des étudiants, l'accès au welfare, au revenu garanti et au système de l'éducation seront abordés dans la perspective de la création et de l'organisation de ce qu'on a appelé “commonfare”, c'est-à-dire, la ré-appropriation collective de la richesse sociale.


14h30 -18h : Ateliers

Cette section sera entièrement consacrée à des ateliers auto-gérés, des tables rondes, des projections, des groupes de discussion, etc. Si des groupes ou des collectifs souhaitent communiquer des propositions avant la conférence, ils peuvent être insérés dans le programme. Pour voir le programme détaillé des workshops :

18h -18h30 : Clôture

Discussion collective de clôture et informations pratiques pour la soirée.


Dimanche 13 Février

Université Paris 8, Saint-Denis

10h : Assemblée plénière : Vers un réseau européen de luttes

Une assemblée qui ouvre un débat sur les stratégies politiques possibles pour une coordination européenne des luttes des étudiants, des universitaires et des travailleurs précaires. Les idées et les propositions seront présentées et discutées collectivement afin de créer un programme d'action commune.

Le programme :

La page (multilingue) des ateliers :

L'appel :çais


Academy of Refusal – Vienna

All Nepal National Free Student Union

Artsagainstcuts London

Assembly of the Faculty of Letters – Porto

Auep-ei – Madrid

Bartleby – Bologna

Camberwell college of Arts Anticuts group

Cantiere – Milano

Carrot Workers Collective

Centre for Ethics and Politics – School of Managment of Queen Mary University of London

Chto delat? (Russia)

Coalition for Educational Justice – University of California San Diego

Colectivo EXIT (Experimentar, Inventar, Transformar) – Barcelona

Collective A GARRA (New University of Lisbon)

Collettivo Dams RomaTre

Collettivo Universitario Autonomo – Bologna

Collettivo Universitario Autonomo – Palermo

Collettivo Universitario Autonomo – Pisa

Collettivo Universitario Autonomo – Torino

Conférence Universitaire des Associations d'EtudiantEs – Genève

Contrapoder – Madrid

Coordinamento dei collettivi di Milano e Provincia

Critical Legal Thinking (UK)

Csoa ex mattatoio – Perugia

Diktyo Pliroforisis kai Syntonismou gia to Panepistimiako Kinima (Greece)

Direct Action – Ukraine


eipcp – european institute for progressive cultural policies

Estudantes por Emprestimo (Portugal)

Fac Verte (France)

Free/Slow University of Warsaw

Free School – Queen Mary University of London

Free School & The Paper

Free University (Lithuania)

Goldsmiths University Occupation – London

Greater Toronto Workers Assembly (Canada)

Group of Students from the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto

Ikasle Abertzaleak – Basque Country

Kent Centre for Law, Gender, and Sexuality – Canterbury

Kollettivo Studentesco Autorganizzato – Torino

Linkes Hochschulnetz – Vienna

Movimento student*- precar* Perugia

Mudar de Rumo – students collective in Coimbra

NaStyku Student Scientific Society – University of Gdansk

National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts, UK

Öğrenci Kolektifleri (Turkey)

OKUPÉ Collective – University of Gdansk

Opción Portaleana (Chile)

Pan Africa Student Council (Gambia)

PhD Student Council – Social Sciences – University of Gdansk

Precarious Workers Brigade

Project 2012 Network (UK)

Provisional University – Dublin

Really Open University

Revista Multitud (Chile)

Rise Up – Madrid

Scholars' platform – Braga

Sheffield Occupation

SOAS Occupation – London

Street University (Russia)

Studiare con lentezza – Verona

Sud Etudiant – Paris / Saint Denis

Syspeirosi Panepistimiakon – Coordination of University Teachers (Greece)

Temporary Institute for Hexenpower – Vienna

Theoretical Practice Collective – Poznań

UCL Occupation – London

UK Campaign for Real Democracy Network

Uniriot – Torino

Universidad Nómada (Spain)

University of Kent Occupation – Canterbury

University of Strategic Optimism – London

University of Utopia

Univerza za nepodredljive vede/University of Insurgent Sciences – Ljubljana

Upping the Anti (Canada)

Z´AM – Innsbruck

For information and participation:


Student-Workers Union - Temporary institute for Hexenpower, Academy of Refusal

Basic idea is to discuss labour organization within the edu-factory / social factory. If all of society is a factory then shouldn't there be some kind of labour organization that could function on that level – uniting, for example, forms of unpaid labour, and more traditional forms.  So a union that gets over the division between student and worker by organising from the fact that the difference has already been dissolved. To have ‘students' striking in their places of work, or ‘workers' picketing a university or college where they have to pay for re-skilling in order to keep access to the wage.

Its not necessarily about creating a union, but more to discuss the labour function of students from an organizational perspective. To begin to formulate a transnational response at the Paris meeting, and hopefully carry it on afterwards.

A wiki with a reader on student debt and labour will be put up before the Paris meeting.

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The Transnational Struggle in the Double Crisis – edu-factory collective

What do we mean by the double crisis? On the one hand, it involves an acceleration of the that crisis specific to the university, the inevitable result of its outdated disciplinary divisions and eroded epistemological status. On the other hand, it is the crisis of the postfordist conditions of labor and value, many of which circulate through the university.

The double crisis is global. That is to say, the nation-State can no longer be the space of politics. In recent years, the struggles of students, universities and precarious workers across Europe, and the world, have been based on common questions, and are starting to produce common languages, common practices and common spaces. A new class composition is emerging, a class composition that is immediately transnational.

What does it mean to build up a transnational politics? What does it mean to fight within the global double crisis? What does it mean to create a common glossary of these struggles? What does it mean to organize the common production of knowledge, the collective re-appropriation of the commonwealth, and a new university beyond the dialectic of the public and the private. Our workshop will address these questions, via a tele-conference with comrades and activists from all over the world.

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Street University: producing the collaborative time and public space – Pavel Arsenev

Considering the facts of repressions and corruption at the Universities, growing commercialization of educational process, group of students, researchers, employees of various Petersburg high schools and other interested citizens initiated in 2008 creating of the Street University (SU).

The SU aims to restore student's self-government traditions by creating an effective network, an alternative field of producing and distributing of critical knowledge. Besides, the SU proposes to   return publicity to public space by means of carrying studies in city streets and establishing relations between the academic community and various social movements and initiatives. Discussions which are held on the street are often treated like profanation. But for us it is the only possible answer to the increasing sacralization of everyday practices and «officialization» of knowledge and lifestyle production. Street seminars are not only discussions of different blasting themes, it's also an anthropological experience that is political by definition. It is an «activity stopping activity», some kind of a promise of possibility to invent new use of collective time and city space. Properly designed by centuries of the police procedure of traffic lane markings, the сity space as well as the productive time of life vigilantly measured by clocks are vulnerable to misapplication rather then to its capture.

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Workshop of the Street University

The students paralyzed by the administration. Russian context of the university struggle.

The students are integral part of university system and they depend on the structure and functioning of this system. The University Corporation in Russia is organized not like a ground for free academically debate, but like administrative department. In this situation professors and lecturers don't have in mind to struggle for students notice. This system aims to make the students one of the gears of bureaucratic mechanism. Corruption grows the only possible way for administration to oppress the solidarity in the university. Everyone is forced to violate unrealistic bureaucratic rules – students, faculty and staff. It is the way in which they become hostages of the administration and the government. It is precisely this fact that explains the Russian students' political indifference and the absence of the will to knowledge.

Being the activists of the Russian student movement we have to draw up strategy and tactics different from strategy and tactics of our comrades from the other countries. In connection with it the workshop of the Street University pursues several goals.

Firstly, we have to trace the structural and functional differences between the university administration in Europe and Russia.

Secondly, we have to uncover the mechanisms of influence of the administrative system on the political activity of Russian students.

Thirdly, we should offer his views on the reform of Russian universities.

And finally, we need to find out the forms and methods of the Russian and European students' joint struggle for achieving of these goals.

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Idea for a master-class – Street University, Russia

Strategies and tactics of mobilization of international solidarity

There is one serious problem for Russian student movement – to mobilize people from outside. University autonomy in Russia is a kind of political autism. Teachers and students can't look beyond the university. They don't join with students of other Russian universities, with people from other professions, with students from other countries. “Corporotivism” in your terms and national isolationism are integral parts of Russian political style and it strengthens political autism of university workers. It's really big practical problem for us to get encouragement from outside and to mobilize students for helping people from outside. We can't join with people from outside because we are at risk to be charged with political extremism etc. But it is simple for university administration to strangle an insurrection if it is confined of one department.

We think it would be great to arrange master-class on topic of international, cross-professional etc. solidarity – solidarity above borders. How to mobilize the international society, how to create a web of solidarity concerning particular and general problems… Maybe there are some people who are able and want to contribute to this initiative?

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East European Education: Factories of Subjectivity on the Ruins of the So Called Communism – Workshops prepared by Piotr Kowzan and Magdalena Prusinowska (University of Gdańsk), Jan Sowa (Free University Warsaw) and Krystian Szadkowski (Theoretical Practice, Poznań)

Due to its brutal capitalist transformation of early 90-ties Poland is now a champion of neoliberal policies. Education and science along with cultural production are the last fields of social life not to be fully formatted according to the Washington consensus model of social policy (privatization, liberalization and shrinking of the public sector). But this comes to an end: the government intends to introduce a radical reform of higher education and science in order to make it “more productive and competitive” later this year. There is a certain irony in the whole process, because as a result of a very particular socio-historical development this liberal reform is going to be both a progress from very feudal conditions of Polish science and a huge setback for any agenda of progressive and emancipatory education.

The workshops aim at presenting the Polish situation in a wider, socio-political context. We are going to talk about situation of Polish students and academics and we will try to explain, why there's been so little resistance to liberal reforms in the entire post-Soviet bloc. We hope the audience's participation will give us clues what to do in order to integrate the region into the European network of protest.

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Autour du projet France, detours – Frédéric Moser & Philippe Schwinger

Dans le prolongement de nos oeuvres précédentes qui interrogent le présent à partir de faits politiques et sociaux issus de l'histoire récente, nous prenons comme point de départ de notre projet la série France tour détour deux enfants que Jean-Luc Godard et Anne-Marie Miéville ont réalisé en 1978 pour la TV. Cette série était elle-même inspirée de l'ouvrage de lecture scolaire écrit en 1877 par Gérard Bruno Le tour de la France par deux enfants qui, en décrivant le voyage de deux frères à travers la France. Godard et Miéville proposaient quant à eux un voyage au sens figuré dans le mode de vie des Français. Ils interrogeaient à tour de rôle un garçon et une fille sur leur quotidien, puis élargissaient l'entretien afin de se penser en tant que sujet dans l'histoire du monde. Leur but étant de « se vivre et se voir à la télévision » avec un point de vue critique.

Trente ans après J.-L. Godard et A.-M. Miéville, nous partons à nouveau « interroger la France », en proposant différentes approches de la question récurrente du vivre ensemble. En effet, nous « filmons et réfléchissons en direct », à partir d'une situation spécifique, sur laquelle nous nous basons pour ensuite élargir le propos à une réflexion sur l'ordre social.

Nous avons réalisé le premier épisode de France, détours en juillet 2009 à la Cité du Mirail, ce grand ensemble conçu par Candilis dans les années 1960 à Toulouse. En mêlant des images d'archive concernant ce projet urbanistique utopique à la nouvelle planification du quartier, tout en menant en parallèle des entretiens auprès d'adolescents du quartier, nous donnons les moyens de réfléchir aux différents modèles qui sous-tendent une planification urbanistique et abordons les enjeux idéologiques qui orientent la construction de « la réalité ».

En février 2011, nous commençons le tournage du 2ème épisode à Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, avec des écoliers décrocheurs. Nous filmons au Fil continu, une structure qui accueille des jeunes qui ont été exclus du collège (pour une durée allant de 3 jours à l'exclusion définitive). Des médiateurs encadrent ces écoliers en leur proposant des cours de français et des activités plus récréatives. Par le biais du jeu de rôles notamment, ces élèves découvrent les moyens de désamorcer un conflit, de saisir une consigne, de ruser avec les règles et d'expérimenter la solidarité d'un collectif.

Notre objectif est de faire de l'éducation un débat. En partant de l'hypothèse que l'école est un lieu de diffusion des savoirs et des compétences susceptibles de donner à chacun les moyens d'augmenter son autonomie, sa puissance d'agir et de penser, comment parler de ce qui est en jeu au quotidien dans une leçon de français d'un collège de banlieue ? L'école peut-elle être perméable à d'autres modes d'apprentissage que celui de la leçon ? Peut-on expérimenter de nouveaux modèles de transmission, sans devoir se situer entre l'un ou l'autre des pôles de l'antagonisme éducation/ instruction, peu pertinent? Que faudrait-il pour que la pratique démocratique soit réellement mise en acte dans l'enseignement selon le projet « n'importe qui est capable d'apprendre n'importe quoi » ?

Les obstacles que rencontrent ces écoliers rendent manifeste la contradiction irréductible sur laquelle repose l'École républicaine, qui est à la fois facteur de démocratisation et facteur de hiérarchisation et de perpétuation de l'ordre social.

Durant le workshop, nous allons montrer les premières rushes du tournage et engager le débat sur les contradictions qui « travaillent » le système éducatif en sollicitant les participants à réfléchir sur les formulations que nous proposons, afin de mettre en perspective les pratiques institutionnelles qui génèrent sélection et exclusion en regard de ce qui est notre préalable d'artistes, la communauté des égaux.

Frédéric Moser (1966) et Philippe Schwinger (1961) créent en 1988 à Lausanne «l'Atelier ici et maintenant », une compagnie de théâtre indépendant. Ils étudient ensuite à l'Ecole d'arts visuels de Genève. Ils obtiennent le Prix fédéral des Beaux-Arts (1998-99-2000), ainsi que le prix YoungArt (2000). En 2001 ils sont boursiers de l'Académie Schloß Solitude à Stuttgart ; en 2003 ils sont invités à inaugurer le programme de résidence du Centre d'art d'Ujazdowski Castle à Varsovie. Ils représentent la Suisse à la Biennale d'art contemporain de São Paulo en 2004. Depuis 2002 ils vivent et travaillent à Berlin. Leurs installations sont présentées dans de nombreux musées et centres d'art en Europe, en Amérique latine et en Asie et ils participent aux festivals de Locarno, Rotterdam, Londres, etc.

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Workshop Estudantes por Empréstimo

What tools exist and what forms do we have to bring people together, spread the message and fight for what we believe in?

The aim of this workshop is to understand how we can use a different tool – theatre – to discuss our problems and different ways we have to try to solve them.

We are going to make some exercises to help us to be aware of our problems and get involved in solving them. We can use real and concrete situations that the group brings out in the workshop to see how we can work with this method  and what benefits it brings to the discussion.

After some practical work we'll show the video of the project and have a conversation about theater of the oppressed and the possibilities we have on using it. We'll invite Julian Boal (responsible of GTO – group de thèatre de l'oprimé – in Paris), José Soeiro (responsible of this project, joker, MP), and two activists who made part in this project.

Estudantes por Empréstimo – what was it?

In this project, we gathered a group of university students and looked to the problems we have, as students – what is happening in higher education? What are the difficulties? What are the problems we go through?  And we created a play that brings together various stories experienced by us – on social support, on the difficulty with scholarships, on the difficulty in creating movement in schools, about the lack of justice in the access to higher education, about the lack of equality …

With this play we went to schools, colleges and local associations, and challenged the students to participate and change the end of the story in the play, to propose other ways of acting and soluting the situation and to suggest policy measures that could help to solve the problems presented. We've collected those suggestions from people about how we can change reality in a collective way and also what changes in the law could be done for this story to be different.

It was a way of discussing our common problems as students and to think about the ways and tools we have to try and to force some necessary changes. This project, the first Legislative Theater project in Portugal, culminated in a hearing in Parliament, on May 2010, promoted by Bloco de Esquerda. Some of the suggestions collected from the public in the different presentations were turned into legislative actions – law proposals, questions to the government and resolutions.

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Common Welfare Economy: An economic model for the future - Christian Felber

“Common Welfare Economy” has been published by Deuticke as a 150-page book in August 2010. The aim of this book is to put an end to the ever-recurring dilemma in so many disputes – “A No to capitalism equals a Yes to communism” – and to provide a tangible alternative to our current economic system. The basics of this economic model have been developed in Felber's previous book “New Values for our Economy” (Deuticke 2008) and have since been exposed to public discussion in more than 50 lectures and speeches. The Common Welfare Economy has consequently been further developed in a concerted effort by the author and two dozens (Attac-)entrepreneurs. The appendix contains a declaration of support by 70 companies. Their number has grown up to 140 till October. A “pioneer group” of these first signatories will implement the core element of the model, the Common Welfare Balance Sheet, and all together they will lobby for implementation of this future-fit economic model.

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NTOR (New Technologies for the Organization of the Revolution)

Workshop about the new technologies we are using (and we still have to invent) for organizing and communicating. This would be a discussion about existant technologies of organization such as N-1,etc ( communication (mail, lists, facebook, twetter, etc) news (global project, edu-factory, uniriot, news4europe.wordpress,etc) and self-education (caosmosis, transversal, transform, edu-factory, uninomade, multitudes,etc). From my point of view it is very necessary to talk about the creation of a news feeds system such as eufeeds ( in order to keep all the news together. It is as well necessary to talk about the creation of a self-education feeds system.

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Graphic Campain

This workshop aims to create a graphic imaginary (images, mottos, videos, deigns, banners,'s, etc) for the communication and organization of the european multitude. It is very related with the idea of a Fight Brand that was pruposed by Joan a few days ago.

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New rights

We are getting used to reject the present but we have to invent the future. It is very important to talk about the new rights we want to claim for, and we want to achieve. This would not be a mere discussion, but the creation of a new chart of social rights (ex. tobin taxes, pollen taxes, basic income, free culture, free movement, social housing, etc…)

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Collettivo Dams RomaTre - Il Collettivo Dams RomaTre nasce con l'intento di fare del mezzo cinematografico il suo principale medium di espressione, in un'epoca in cui l'arte e la cultura, e in particolare il cinema, sembrano esclusi dalla priorità della classe dirigente; il nostro primo lavoro è “Titolo”, cortometraggio che racconta l'iniziale condizione di passività di uno studente universitario rispetto alle lotte politiche e la successiva presa di coscienza che lo spingerà a partecipare alla lotta sociale contro la precarietà, con cui la nostra generazione non vuole convivere.

The Dams RomaTre Group was founded to make film its main medium of expression, in an age in which art, culture, and cinema in particular, seem excluded from the priorities of the ruling class.

Our first work is “Titolo” is a short film which looks at a university student's passive approach to political struggles and his subsequent realization that will lead him to become active in the fight against social insecurity, which our generation does not want to live with.