Appels à contributions
Deleuze, Philosophy, Transdisciplinarity

Deleuze, Philosophy, Transdisciplinarity

Publié le par Laure Depretto (Source : Goldsmiths University of London et University of Kent)

Deleuze, Philosophy, Transdisciplinarity

Goldsmiths, 10th-11th February

Invited Speakers: Eric Alliez, Miguel de Beistegui, John Mullarkey, Laura Cull, Christian Kerslake, Thomas Baldwin, Iain MacKenzie, Nathan Widder, Andrew Goffey

Jointly organised by Goldsmiths University of London and the University of Kent

We are now entering a new phase of Deleuze studies which seeks to understand the specificity of Deleuze’s mode of philosophising. This is necessary, firstly in order to establish an account of his work’s developments and ruptures which is neither reductive nor partisan and secondly, to be able to better situate Deleuze within the context of contemporary thought. While the concept of immanence has recently been seized upon as the way of measuring Deleuze’s philosophical development (Kerslake, 2009; Beistegui, 2010), this conference would like to shift the focus to another yet closely interrelated problematic, which is the concept of philosophy and its essential relation to transdisciplinarity.

What precisely does Deleuze understand by the term ‘philosophy’? In The Logic of Sense, Deleuze states that ‘Philosophy merges with ontology, but ontology merges with the univocity of Being’ (p. 205, Continuum, 2004). Does philosophy have privileged access to a univocal Being that is itself non-philosophical, and which subsumes not only philosophy but also philosophy’s preconditions - what The Logic of Sense refers to as the ‘sciences’ of logic, phenomenology, and psychoanalysis, as well as art? Does Deleuze and Guattari’s re-formulation of this problematic in What is Philosophy? contradict the earlier Deleuze when it appears to posit a more extrinsic relation – or interference – between philosophy, science, and art, all three of which open up to Chaos, which they claim is equally distinct from the preconditions of philosophy, science and art (nonphilosophy, nonscience, nonart)? Are we to understand Deleuze’s concept of philosophy as essentially and inherently transdisciplinary, and if so, how? What is at stake here is the possibility of establishing a ‘common ethico-aesthetic discipline’ (Guattari, Continuum, 2000) and the role of philosophy in such a project.

We aim to have a wide range of papers converging on the concept of philosophy found in Deleuze’s work and dialoguing with the problems we have alluded to. Suggested paper topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Deleuze and the history of philosophy: his methodology, his conception of the history of philosophy, his readings of specific philosophers and thinkers
  • The place of science and logic in Deleuze’s philosophy  
  • The place of art in Deleuze’s philosophy 
  • Deleuze and non-philosophy, and the role of the pre/post-philosophical in his philosophy
  • Shifts in Deleuze’s readings of particular philosophers, and more generally in Deleuze’s own concept of philosophy, throughout his career                                                                   
  • The critical assessment of Guattari’s influence on Deleuze’s philosophy  

Please send abstracts (350 words) and a short biography to by 16th December 2011. Registration is free but please contact us by January 2012 if you would like to attend the conference.