Appels à contributions
Autofiction: Genesis,Genre and Reception

Autofiction: Genesis,Genre and Reception

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : Auto/Fiction journal)


Publication Type: e-Journal and Print edition

Language: English ( With optional French Abstracts)
Contact email:
Editors: Isabelle Grell & Shashi Bhusan Nayak
Theme: “Autofiction: Genesis,Genre and Reception”

The issue is open to all kinds of applied and theoretical papers on Autofiction.. Contributions may be written in English and may vary in length from 2000 to 10000 words. Reviews should not be more than 1000 words. In addition to scholarly papers we invite contributions in the form of book reviews, calls for papers, announcements of conferences etc. All contributions must adhere to the MLA style sheet (7th Edition) with an abstract and key words.

Deadline for proposals: December 31, 2012.
Deadline for full-length texts:January 31, 2013.