Appels à contributions
Ateliers Women in French, MLA

Ateliers Women in French, MLA

Publié le par René Audet (Source : Liste Francofil)

Call for papers - MLA 2001 - Women in French sessions

I Femmes voyageuses, femmes deplacees
An investigation into the effects of displacement and travel on French and Francophone women's voices. How do women write themselves abroad? Can these texts find a place in the literary canon? 1p.abstract by 10 March to Kimberley Healy, 411 Lattimore Hall, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 (

II Les femmes ecrivent leur pays
Sujets possibles: le pays ecrit du dedans, du dehors ou lors du retour; ecrire le pays colonise ou postcolonial; metaphores utilisees; ecriture differente de celle des hommes?...1p.abstract by 10 March to Michele Bacholle, Dept of Modern & Classical Languages, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT 06226 (

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