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Anthony Grafton, “Our Universities : Why Are They Failing ?” (The New York Review of Books, 14 /11/11)

Anthony Grafton, “Our Universities : Why Are They Failing ?” (The New York Review of Books, 14 /11/11)

Publié le par Bérenger Boulay (Source : SLU)

Anthony Grafton, “Our Universities : Why Are They Failing ?”, The New York Review of Books, 14 novembre 2011

American universities crowd the tops of many world rankings, and though these ratings are basically entertainment for university administrators and alumni, they do reflect certain facts. A number of American universities offer their faculty salaries and working conditions, laboratories and libraries that few institutions elsewhere can match. They spend more not only on their staff, but also on their graduate and undergraduate students, than their peers overseas. Though their fees seem enormous by European or Asian standards, they have worked hard in recent years to keep them from deterring poor students by offering more generous aid for undergraduates and by paying full fees for all doctoral students. At every level of the system, dedicated professors are setting students on fire with enthusiasm for everything from the structure of crystals to the structure of poems.

Lire la suite  sur le site du New York Review of Books ou sur le site de Slu.