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A. Jefferson, Biography and the Question of Literature in France

A. Jefferson, Biography and the Question of Literature in France

Publié le par Julien Desrochers

Compte rendu sur Acta Fabula : « La littérature : unebiographie » par Alexandre Gefen.

JEFFERSON, Ann, Biography and the Question of Literature in France, Oxford University Press, 2007, 448 pp.

ISBN-10: 0-19-927084-8

This book takes a fresh look at the relations between literature and biography by tracing the history of their connections through three hundred years of French literature. The starting point for this history is the eighteenth century when the term 'biography' first entered the French language and when the word 'literature' began to acquire its modern sense of writing marked by an aesthetic character. Arguing that the idea of literature is inherently open to revision and contestation, Ann Jefferson examines the way in which biographically-orientated texts have been engaged in questioning and revising definitions of literature. At the same time, she tracks the evolving forms of biographical writing in French culture, and proposes a reappraisal of biography in terms not only of its forms, but also of its functions.

Although Ann Jefferson's book has powerful theoretical implications for both biography and the literary, it is first and foremost a history, offering a comprehensive new account of the development of French literature through this dual focus on the question of literature and on the relations between literature and biography. It offers original readings of major authors and texts in the light of these concerns, beginning with Rousseau and ending with 'life-writing' contemporary authors such as Pierre Michon and Jacques Roubaud. Other authors discussed include Mme de St?el, Victor Hugo, Sainte-Beuve, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Baudelaire, Nerval, Mallarm?, Schwob, Proust, Gide, Leiris, Sartre, Genet, Barthes, and Roger Laporte.

Ann Jefferson, Professor of French at the University of Oxford and Fellow and Tutor in French at New College, Oxford


Introduction Part I: Lives and the Invention of Literature 1. Literature and the Use of Lives: A Prehistory 2. Rousseau's Life-Story and the Experience of Literature 3. Literary History and the Biography of Literature: Madame de Stael and Victor Hugo Part II: The Nineteenth Century and the Culture of Biography 4. Biographical Business in the Century of Biography: Dictionaries and the Press 5. Biography Reclaimed: Gautier, Verlaine, and Mallarm? and the Biographical recueil 6. Sainte-Beuve: Biography and the Invention of Literary Criticism Part III: Poetry and the Life of the Poet 7. Hugo's Les Contemplations: Life, Death, and the Expansion of Poetry 8. Baudelaire: Life and the Production of Poetry Part IV: Biography into Literature 9. The Virtues of Marginality in Nerval's Illuminés 10. Biography and Literary Principle: Marcel Schwob's Vies imaginaires Part V: Inwardness, Experience, and the Turn to Fiction 11. Romancing Lives: Literary Creativity in the 1920s 12. Proust and the Lives of the Artists 13. Gide: Autobiography, Fiction, and the Literature of Experience Part VI: Acts of Literature: The Sacred, and the Writer's Life 14. Michel Leiris: Autobiography and the Sacred 15. Sartre and Biography: Existential Acts and the Desacralization of Literature Part VII: Heroes, Saints, and Generic Anachronisms 16. Genet's chant d'amour and the Lives of the Heroes 17. Pierre Michon's Lives of the Saints Part VIII: The Writing Life 18. Vocation, Regime, and the Production of Literature: Max Jacob and Roland Barthes 19. Life-Writing in Roger Laporte and Jacques Roubaud