Call for papers: 'Autour d'Amélie Nothomb', University of Edinburgh, Saturday 10th November 2001.
The Centre de Recherches Francophones Belges of the University of Edinburgh provides the opportunity to exchange ideas and to address issues dealing with Belgian culture, literature and the arts. The object of our one-day conference will be to discuss the fascinating oeuvre of prize-winning author, Amélie Nothomb.
Please send proposals and abstracts on any aspect of the writer's work by 31 March 2001 to:
Dr Susie Bainbrigge or Dr Jeanette den Toonder, SELC (French), University of Edinburgh, 60 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JU (,
It is anticipated that a collection of edited essays (in English) will be published in conjunction with the conference.
Appels à contributions
Publié le par Alexandre Gefen (Source : Francofil)