Edited by Gastón Cingolani and Sebastián Moreno Barreneche
ARTICLESIntroduction: The semiotics of circulation (0 downloads )
Gastón Cingolani and Sebastián Moreno Barreneche5-10ABSTRACTPDFAudiences between production and reception: Problems of a theory of recognition (0 downloads )
Eliséo Verón11-25ABSTRACTPDFSpreadability and hate speech of radical conservatism: The Peruvian case on TikTok (0 downloads )
Elder Cuevas-Calderón, Eduardo Yalán Dongo and Lilian Kanashiro27-53ABSTRACTPDFModes of production, circulation, and academic recognition of an ‘archive of repression’: the case of the DIPPBA archive in Argentina (0 downloads )
Alex Colman55-81ABSTRACTPDFThe politics of literature: Indexicality, circulation, and decoloniality (0 downloads )
Simon Levesque83-104ABSTRACTPDFCirculating Emotions: UNESCO's original initiative on Artificial Intelligence (0 downloads )
Inna Merkoulova105 -121ABSTRACTPDFFramings, or mind the décalage! (0 downloads )
Sara Nocerino123-142ABSTRACTPDFFrom villainess to Eco-icon: The blossoming of Poison Ivy (0 downloads )
Alessandra Richetto143-164ABSTRACTPDFFrom the mass media museum to the social media museum: Investigating the museum space in the era of mobile devices (0 downloads )
Aluminé Rosso165-187ABSTRACTPDFSemiotics on music charts: The signification of late-blooming hits in contemporary popular music (0 downloads )
Georgios Sklavounakis189-208ABSTRACTPDFThe circulation of meaning: A biosemiotic perspective on the functional circle (0 downloads )
Nicola Zengiaro209-225ABSTRACTPDFREVIEWSCinema and intermediality: Enhancing the spectator (0 downloads )
Nicola Dusi227-234ABSTRACTPDFMatter, energy, and identity in Translation Studies (0 downloads )
Sergio Torres-Martinez235-239ABSTRACTPDFSemiotics in matters legal (0 downloads )
Anne Wagner and Sarah Marusek241-245ABSTRACTPDF
Gastón Cingolani and Sebastián Moreno Barreneche246 PDF