Alison James, Akihiro Kubo, Françoise Lavocat (dir.), The Routledge Handbook of Fiction and Belief
The Routledge Handbook of Fiction and Belief offers a fresh reevaluation of the relationship between fiction and belief, surveying key debates and perspectives from a range of disciplines including narrative and cultural studies, science, religion, and politics. This volume draws on global, cutting edge research and theory to investigate the historically variable understandings of fictionality, and allows readers to grasp the role of fictions in our understanding of the world.
This interdisciplinary approach provides a thorough introduction to the fundamental themes of:
Theoretical and Philosophical Perspectives on Fiction
Fiction, Fact, and Science
Social Effects and Uses of Fiction
Fiction and Politics
Fiction and Religion
Questioning how fictions in fact shape, mediate or distort our beliefs about the real world, essays in this volume outline the state of theoretical debates from the perspectives of literary theory, philosophy, sociology, religious studies, history, and the cognitive sciences. It aims to take stock of the real or supposed effects that fiction has on the world, and to offer a wide-reaching reflection on the implications of belief in fictions in the so-called “post-truth” era.
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Alison James, Akihiro Kubo, and Françoise Lavocat
Part I: Believing in Fiction: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives
Belief, Imagination, and the Nature of Fiction
Stacie Friend
The "Willing Suspension of Disbelief": The Long History of a Short Phrase
Nicholas Paige
The Fictionality of Games and the Ludic Nature of Fiction: Make-believe, Immersion, Play
Marie-Laure Ryan
Fictional Emotions and Belief
Eva-Maria Konrad
Fictional Characters and Belief
Thomas Pavel
Fictionality, the Zone of Generic Fiction, and the Allure of Unreliable Narration
James Phelan
Belief is a Mess. That Makes it Good for Fiction. (A Perspective from Cognitive Literary Theory)
Lisa Zunshine
Fiction and Historiography
Annick Louis
Fiction and Scientific Knowledge
Adam Toon
Learning from Fiction
Gregory Currie, Heather Ferguson, Jacopo Frascaroli, Stacie Friend, Kayleigh Green, and Lena Wimmer
Part II: From Fiction to Belief: Social and Political Effects
Do Fictions Impact People’s Beliefs? A Critical View
Nicolas Baumard and Edgar Dubourg
The Impact of Fiction on Beliefs about Gender
Vera Nünning
Implicit Bias, Fiction, and Belief
Kris Goffin and Agnes Moors
Children’s Ideas about Stories and about Reality
Ayse Payir and Paul L. Harris
From Suspension of Disbelief to Production of Belief: The Case of Alternate Reality Games
Patrick Jagoda
Interactive Environments and Fictional Engagement
Olivier Caïra
Fake News and Fictional News
Jessica Pepp, Rachel Sterken and Eliot Michaelson
Trust, Credulity, and Speech
Philippe Roussin
Literature on Credit: Fiction and the Fiduciary Paradigm
Emmanuel Bouju
Fifth Generation Fictionality? Fiction, Politics, War
Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen
Uses of Fantasy Fiction in Contemporary Political Mobilization
Anne Besson
Fiction, Belief, and Postcolonial Criticism
Alok Yadav
Can Fictions Predict the Future?
Anne Duprat
Dystopian Fictions and Contemporary Fears
Jean-Paul Engélibert
Fiction, Belief, and Climate Change: Paratexts, Skeptics, and Objects of Care
Erin James
Part III: Fiction and Religious Belief
Greek Mythology: Discourse, Belief, and Ritual Action
Claude Calame
Fiction and Belief: Approaching Medieval Latin Christendom
Julie Orlemanski
Literary Fictions, Religious "Fables," and Unbelief in the West
Nicolas Correard
Saints, Between Faith, Belief, and Fiction
Barbara Selmeci Castioni
The Role of Fiction in Buddhist Hagiography: The Case of Shinran
Markus Rüsch
Fiction and Belief in Ancient and Early Medieval India
Isabelle Ratié
Fiction, Religion, and Pre-Modern Arab-Islamic Literature (8th–18th Centuries)
Aboubakr Chraïbi
Fiction against Belief and Belief in Fiction in Modern Arabic Literature
Ève de Dampierre-Noiray
On Jewish Fiction and Belief: Duplicity, Parables, Confession
Sarah Hammerschlag
Religious Uses of Fantasy Fiction
Markus Altena Davidsen
Fake Cults, Hyper-Real Religions, Virtual Beliefs at the Crossroads of Fiction, the Sacred, and Technology
Lionel Obadia
Alison James is Professor of French at the University of Chicago. Her research interests include the Oulipo group, the contemporary novel, theories and representations of everyday life, documentary literature, and questions of fact and fiction.
Akihiro Kubo is Professor of French Literature at Kwansei Gakuin University. His research interests focus on twentieth-century French literature and theories of literature.
Françoise Lavocat is Professor of Comparative Literature at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. She received an honorary doctorate in Humane Letters from the University of Chicago, and is a member of the Institut Universitaire de France as well as a member and section chair in the Academia Europaea.