Appels à contributions
Rhesis (Linguistics, Philology, and Literature)

Rhesis (Linguistics, Philology, and Literature)

Publié le par Vincent Ferré (Source :

Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature 

Rhesis – Linguistics and Philology (14.1 - 2023) aims at publishing contributions in all subfields of functional linguistics which show a methodological orientation to the empirical verification of theories. It welcomes contributions in all empirically-oriented language studies with application to both classical and modern languages, and it devotes particular attention to theoretically-grounded studies in historical linguistics. It also welcomes philological studies focusing on either textual or cultural issues.

Rhesis – Literature (14.2 - 2023) welcomes contributions on both classical and modern literatures of the world, with particular attention to the critical edition of literary texts, intertextuality, and theory and criticism of literary genres. It features contributions on the interpretation of literary texts and on diverse cultural manifestations of literature studies and related disciplines.


Articles submitted to the Journal are organized into two sections (Linguistics and Philology, and Literature) and will be published on the website as they are accepted, typeset, and finalized for inclusion in the current year’s volume. The yearly volume will close on December 31st of each year.

From January 1st 2023 it will be possible to submit essays and scientific studies to the editorial board of the journal Rhesis for the 14.1 (2023) and 14.2 (2023) issue. This invitation is valid for the whole of 2023.

The studies will be published on the website when ready, starting from January 1st, 2023. The annual closing of the journal is supposed to be on December 31st each year.

The articles submitted after October 30th, 2023 will be automatically considered for the following year’s issue, published with the same procedure starting from January 1st, 2024 to December 31st, 2024.

Rhesis uses a double-blind peer-review process to evaluate scientific manuscripts. When an article is submitted to the Journal, the Editorial board reviews it to ensure that it meets the Journal’s scope and standards, which usually takes about one week. If the manuscript is deemed suitable for peer-review, it is sent to two reviewers who are experts in the same field as the author. To ensure objectivity, both the reviewers and the author are kept anonymous from each other. The reviewers usually have four weeks to complete their review and provide feedback to the editors and the authors. The feedback may include suggestions for revisions or improvements to the manuscript. Once the reviews are complete, the Editorial board carefully evaluates the feedback and makes a decision on whether to accept the manuscript for publication, request revisions from the authors, or reject the manuscript. If a manuscript is found to be unsuitable for publication in the journal, either because it does not meet the journal’s scope and standards or because of other reasons, it may be rejected by the Editors without being sent out for review by external experts (Desk rejection).

The peer-review process is managed through the OJS platform. 

For further information, please visit the journal website: