SMU Symposium on Poetic Form - Southern Methodist University, Dallas, March 18-19, 2024
“Conceptualisms and Erasurisms”
Hosted by the SMU Department of English and co-sponsored by Tel Aviv University’s Department of English and American Studies and the University of Liège’s Center for Interdisciplinary Poetics/UD Traverses, the Symposium on Poetic Form will gather scholars and poets on the SMU campus for two full days to discuss poetic form in practice and theory.
Proposal submissions for a panel on “conceptualisms and erasurisms” are currently being accepted. We envisage papers based on, but by no means restricted to the following topics (please bear in mind that considerations of poetic form should be central to the discussions) :
found poetry and “unoriginal” writing
effacements, overwritings, coverups, rubouts, blackouts
authorship, appropriation, plagiarism
homages, defacements and détournements
flarf, spam poetry
montage, assemblage and collage strategies
cut-up and writing through techniques
poetry in the age of IT and AI
citational and palimpsestic experiments
The SMU Symposium will consist of academic panels, roundtables and poetry readings featuring, among other guests, Jonathan Culler, Jericho Brown, Stephanie Burt, Jahan Ramazani, Evie Shockley, and Virginia Jackson.
For more information on the conference click here :
SMU Symposium on Poetic Form
If you would like to present a paper, please send a title and a 300-word abstract, as well as a brief bio, by September 1, 2023, to the following address :