Research Fellowship in French at Girton College (University of Cambridge)

Research Fellowship in French at Girton College (University of Cambridge)

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : Claire White)

Girton College (University of Cambridge, UK) is inviting applications for the Fairlie—Hutchinson Research Fellowship in French. This starts on 1 October 2023 and is tenable for three years. The Research Fellowship will be awarded in the field of French studies, encompassing literary studies, thought and the history of ideas, cultural history, film and visual culture, and linguistics. There is no age limit, but the fellowship is principally intended to support researchers at an early stage in their academic careers and will usually be awarded to a candidate who has recently completed a Ph.D. or is close to completion.

Whichever field the successful candidate comes from, they would find a home in both the College and the French Section. They would also be a fully-integrated member of the relevant research group.

Further details are available here:

The deadline for applications, via the online application system, is 9 January 2023.