Károli Gáspár University / Hungarian Society for the Study of English, Budapest
21-22 April 2022
The last three decades have seen the steady emergence of “Retranslation Studies.” The concept of retranslation has been explored from a variety of perspectives that have included both theoretical reflections and practice-oriented research. As a result, the scientific discourse has now moved beyond definitions that place retranslation strictly within the categories of literary or interlingual translation.
Numerous scholarly publications, research projects, and international conferences have contributed to the emergence of Retranslation Studies as a separate field of research within Translation Studies. A focused academic discussion of the retranslation of literary works was initiated in 1990 when Bensimon and Berman edited a special issue of Palimpsestes on ‘Retraduire.’ Since then, retranslation as a cultural practice has steadily attracted attention, with the entry ‘Retranslation’ being added to the second edition of the Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies in 2009, and to Koskinen & Paloposki’s chapter in the Handbook of Translation Studies in 2010. Deane-Cox (2014) devoted a monograph to the topic of literary retranslation, and Target published a special issue on “Voice in Retranslation” in 2015, edited by Alvstad and Assis Rosa. Cadera and Walsh also edited a volume that focused specifically on Literary Retranslation in 2017. These publications were followed by the essay collection Perspectives on Retranslation – Ideology, Paratexts, Methods (2019), edited by Albachten and Gürçağlar; and even more recently, a special issue of The Translator (2020) entitled Retranslation, Multidisciplinarity and Multimodality, also edited by Albachten and Gürçağlar.
Building on the now well-established tradition of “Retranslation in Context” conferences, first organised at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul (in 2013 and 2015), then at Ghent University (2017), and most recently at Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid (2019), we are delighted to announce the international conference Retranslation in Context V, to be held at Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, Hungary on 21-22 April 2022.
We hope to expand the discussion of the rich phenomenon of retranslation further, exploring it in its broadest meaning. The aim of the conference is to gather researchers of diverse academic fields to create a forum of multidisciplinary discussion about the complexities of retranslation, drawing on both textual and contextual analysis.
We invite papers based on research into retranslation in the field of literary translation, but we also warmly welcome studies on other, diverse aspects of retranslation dealing with historiographical, political and philosophical themes, as well as methodological approaches. Other subjects we propose for discussion at the conference include the role of literary retranslation in the process of the canonization of world literature, the impact of the different agents involved in the retranslation process, the effect of gender on retranslation, the intersection of retranslation and multimodality as well as audiovisual translation, and the influence of digital humanities on the research process.
We invite contributions (20-minute papers) addressing diverse aspects of retranslation, focusing on any of the topics listed below:
Retranslation and (Self-)Censorship Retranslation and History Retranslation and Philosophy Retranslation and Memory Retranslation and Reception Retranslation and Canon Retranslation and Intertextuality Retranslation Motives (aging, ideology, …) Retranslation Ethics (authorship, plagiarism, copyright) Retranslation and Multimodality Retranslation and Politics Retranslation and Gender Retranslation and Digital Humanities Retranslation and Audiovisual Translation
Working Language: English
Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words, in English, including a short biographical note (max. 150 words) to by 30 November 2021. Please include the number of the panel your topic belongs to (see list above).
Notification of acceptance: 20 December 2021.
Please note there will be a conference fee of 120 euros for those who present a paper and 60 euros for those who wish to attend without presenting a paper.
Selected contributions from the conference will be included in an edited volume.
Invited speakers:
Susanne Margret Cadera (Comillas Pontifical University)
Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar (Boğaziçi University)
Organising Committee:
Zsuzsa Csikai (University of Pécs)
Adrienn Gulyás (Károli Gáspár University)
Judit Mudriczki (Károli Gáspár University)
Miklós Péti (Károli Gáspár University)
Scientific Committee:
Alexandra Assis Rosa (University of Lisbon)
Zsuzsa Csikai (University of Pécs)
Marianna Gula (University of Debrecen)
Márta Kóbor (University of Pécs)
Miklós Péti (Károli Gáspár University)
Piet Van Poucke (University of Ghent)
Irene Ranzato (Sapienza University of Rome)
Tomasz Rozmyslowicz (University of Vienna)
László Sári (University of Pécs)
Adriana Şerban (University Montpellier 3)
Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar (Boğaziçi University)
Andrew Samuel Walsh (Comillas Pontifical University)
Alvstad, C., Assis Rosa, A. (2015). “Voice in retranslation. An overview and some trends.” Target 27 (1), 3-24.
Bensimon, P. (1990). “Présentation.” Palimpsestes 4, ix–xiii.
Berman, A. (1990). “La Retraduction comme espace de traduction.” Palimpsestes 4, 1–7.
Brownlie, S. (2006). “Narrative theory and retranslation theory.” Across Languages and Cultures 7 (2), 145-170.
Cadera, S, Walsh, A. (eds) (2017). Literary Retranslation in Context. Oxford/Berlin: Peter Lang.
Deane-Cox, S. (2014). Retranslation. Translation, Literature and Reinterpretation. London/New Delhi/New York/Sydney: Bloomsbury.
Koskinen, K., Paloposki, O. (2010). “Retranslation.” In Y. Gambier, L. van Doorslaer (eds) Handbook of Translation Studies, Volume 1. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 294–298.
Paloposki, O., Koskinen, K. (2010). “Reprocessing texts. The Fine Line between Retranslating and Revising.” Across Languages and Cultures 11 (1), 29-49.
Tahir Gürçağlar, Ş. (2009). “Retranslation.” In M. Baker, G. Saldanha (eds) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. Second edition. London/New York: Routledge, 233-236.
Van Poucke, P. (2017). “Aging as a motive for literary retranslation. A survey of case studies on retranslation.” Translation and Interpreting Studies 12 (1), 91-115.
Van Poucke, P., Gallego, G. (2019). “Retranslation in Context.” Cadernos de Tradução 39, 10-22.
Zanotti, S. (2018). “Archival Resources and Uncertainties in Film Retranslation Research.” Status Quaestionis. Exploring Audiovisual Retranslation 15, 58-85.