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The Modern Essay in French. Movement, Instability, Performance, Charles FORSDICK and Andrew STAFFORD (eds.)

The Modern Essay in French. Movement, Instability, Performance, Charles FORSDICK and Andrew STAFFORD (eds.)

Publié le par Julien Desrochers

FORSDICK, Charles and Andrew STAFFORD (eds.), The Modern Essay in French. Movement, Instability, Performance, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2005, 295 p.

ISBN: 3-03910-514-0

As a textual form, the essai predominates in modern and contemporary literature in French. Emerging from an earlier tradition and distinguished from its English-language counterpart, the French-language essay ranges from Stéphane Mallarmé to Colette, Victor Segalen to Aimé Césaire, Jean Grenier to Pierre Michon. The essai remains, however, one of the most hazily identified of textual forms, its definition often depending on the progressive elimination of all other generic possibilities. Excluded from the archigenres (theatre, poetry, récit), it can even be seen as a hold-all category whose role is to absorb the anarchic extremes of writing.
It is perhaps this very lack of pretension to orthodoxy that has drawn so many writers to the essai. The conventional understanding of the term - as a tentative, unsystematic exploration - stresses the genre's provisional nature, its refusal of any claims to comprehensiveness. The essai exploits the devices of anecdote, illustration and humour; it is addressed to a wide and often general audience; it is also intricately linked to the performance of ideological and writerly strategies, often reordering the classical art of rhetoric and persuasion. As the contributions to this volume show, there is a need to outline an ethics and politics, as well as poetics, of essayism.


Charles Forsdick/Andy Stafford: Preface 

Peter France: British and French Traditions of the Essay 

Charles Forsdick: De la plume comme des pieds: the Essay as a Peripatetic Genre 

Mar Garcia: Ethno-fictions: Ethnographie, Narrativité et Fiction chez Marc Augé

Sonia Lee: The Emergence of the Essayistic Voice in Francophone African Women Writers: Véronique Tadjo's L'Ombre d'Imana

Michael Sheringham: The Essay and the Everyday: Reading Perec with Adorno 

Andy Stafford: Non-pareille: Issues in Modern French Photo-Essayism 

Patrick Crowley: Pierre Michon: Self-Performance and the Marchland of the Essay 

Anne Freadman: A Couple of Cusps: Devices of Generic Self-Situation in a Piece by Colette 

Toby Garfitt: Ceci sort du cadre limité de cet essai: Jean Grenier and the Essay as Art Form 

Marielle Macé: Paysages du Genre: Segalen et l'Essai 

Aedín Ní Loingsigh: Essayistic Practices in the Non-Fictional Prose of Pius Ngandu Nkashama 

Claude Coste: Les Essais de Pascal Quingnard sur la Musique 

Robert Crawshaw: The Essay as Performance: Michel Foucault's L'Ordre du discours

Kuisma Korhonen: A Flower? Stéphane Mallarmé and the Poetic Essay 

Fui Lee Luk: Extimate Self-Portraits: the Inversion of the Journal Intime in Michel Tounier's Essays 

David Murphy: The power of reason: Universality and Truth in the Anti-Colonial Essai.


Charles Forsdick is James Barrow Professor of French at the University of Liverpool. He obtained his BA (Hons) in French at Oxford in 1992 and his PhD in French at Lancaster in 1995. He is author of Victor Segalen and the Aesthetics of Diversity (2000), editor of Les Usages du genre (2002), and is currently working on twentieth-century travel literature in French.

Andrew Stafford obtained his BA in French Studies (1988), an MA in Critial Theory (1990) and PhD (1995) at the University of Nottingham, and is the author of Roland Barthes, Phenomenon and Myth. An Intellectual Biography (1998). Currently working on essayism in Barthes's S/Z, he has published three articles on this in France (in 'Genesis', 'Revue des sciences humaines' and in an edited volume 'Roland Barthes, au lieu du roman'); he is also co-editing Barthes's seminar notes on Balzac's 'Sarrasine' from 1968-1969, for publication in Seuil's 'Traces écrites' series in 2007; and a selection of Barthes's writings on fashion that he has edited and translated into English is to be published in 2006. He is a member of the editorial board of Francophone Postcolonial Studies and Senior Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies at the University of Leeds.