Nouvelle parution
New Zealand Journal of French Studies, vol. 21, nº 2

New Zealand Journal of French Studies, vol. 21, nº 2

Publié le par Julien Desrochers

New Zealand Journal of French Studies

The November issue of the New Zealand Journal of French Studies (volume 21/2) has been published and mailed to subscribers. It contains the following articles :

Leisha Ashdown-Lecointre, " 'Et le sot le regard du bouffon triomphal' : Apercu dix-neuviémiste sur le fou de la cour";

France Grenaudier-Klijn, "Le Rôle du vêtement : étude d'une description vestimentaire dans un roman de Marcelle Tinayre";

Deborah Walker, "The Author/Subject in Alain Resnais' 'Providence'".

There is also a selection of book reviews. Please address all enquiries about subscriptions and contributions to me, at the address below.

Glynnis Cropp Reviews Editor.

Glynnis M. Cropp

Professor of French and Head of School

School of Language Studies Massey University

Private Bag 11-222

Palmerston North New Zealand.

Telephone : 64 6 3505799 ext.2398.


(source: Francofil)