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French Studies, vol 55, nº 1, January 2001

French Studies, vol 55, nº 1, January 2001

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen

French Studies, Volume 55, Issue 1 dated January 2001, is now available at: ---------------------------------------------------------------- STAGING LYRIC PERFORMACES IN EARLY PRINT CULTURE: LE JARDIN DE PLAISANCE ET FLEUR DE RETHORIQUE (c. 1501-02) SUSAN R. KOVACS, pp. 1-24. ROUSSEAU, BATAILLE, ET LE PRINCIPE DE L'UTILITE CLASSIQUE GUILLAUME ANSART, pp. 25-35. EMMA BOVARY'S PYRAMID ALAN RAITT, pp. 37-46. SARTRE'S HEROINE ADDICTION: LEADING WOMEN IN HIS THEATRE AND THE COMEDIE FAMILIALE BENEDICT O'DONOHOE, pp. 47-58. THE DARK CONTINENT OF CAMUS'S L'ETRANGER CHRISTINE MARGERRISON, pp. 59-73. An Introduction to Old Occitan. By WILLIAM D. PADEN. New York, Modern Language Association of America, 1998. xxvi+610 pp+CD. D. A. TROTTER, p. 75. Chretien de Troyes: `Yvain', `Lancelot, la charrette et le lion'. By EMMANUeLE BAUMGARTNER. (Etudes litteraires). Paris, PUF, 1992. 126 pp. Pb 45 F. Chretien de Troyes: `Le Conte du Graal'. By EMMANUeLE BAUMGARTNER. (Etudes litteraires). Paris, PUF, 1999. 127 pp. Pb 48 F. KAREN PRATT, pp. 75-77. De Chretien de Troyes au `Tristan en prose': etudes sur les romans de la Table Ronde. By PHILIPPE MeNARD. (Publications romanes et francaises, 224). Geneva, Droz, 1999. 175 pp. KEITH BUSBY, p. 77. Aristocratic Life in Medieval France: The Romances of Jean Renart and Gerbert de Montreuil, 1190-1230. By JOHN W. BALDWIN. Baltimore and London, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. xvii+359 pp. Hb p38.50 FRANcOISE LE SAUX, p. 78. GAUTIER DE COINCI: La Vie de sainte Cristine. Edition critique d'apres le manuscrit 817 de la Bibliotheque nationale de France par OLIVIER COLLET. (Textes litteraires francais, 510). Geneva, Droz, 1999. xxiii+179 pp. ADRIAN TUDOR, pp. 78-79. Mabrien: roman de chevalerie en prose du XVe siecle. Edition critique par PHILIPPE VERELST. (Romanica Gandensica, XXVII). Geneva, Droz, 1998. 534 pp. JELLE KOOPMANS, pp. 79-80. `A l'heure encore de mon escrire': aspects de la litterature de Bourgogne sous Philippe le Bon et Charles le Temeraire. Edited by CLAUDE THIRY. (Les Lettres romanes, hors serie). Louvain-la-Neuve, Les Lettres romanes, 1997. 264 pp. DAVID COWLING, pp. 80-81. Curiosity in Early Modern Europe: Word Histories. By NEIL KENNY. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1998. 215 pp. JOHN PARKIN, p. 81. GABRIELLE DE BOURBON [OElig]uvres spirituelles: 1510-1516. Edition etablie et annotee par EVELYNE BERRIOT-SALVADORE. (Textes de la Renaissance, 26). Paris, Champion, 1999. 260 pp. JENNIFER BRITNELL, pp. 81-82. Women's Writing in the French Renaissance. Edited by PHILIP FORD and GILLIAN JONDORF. (Proceedings of the Fifth Cambridge French Renaissance Colloquium, 7-9 July, 1997). Cambridge French Colloquia, 1999. xii+243 pp. ALISON WILLIAMS, pp. 82-83. Ronsard's Contentious Sisters: The Paragone between Poetry and Painting in the Works of Pierre de Ronsard. By ROBERTO CAMPO. (North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 257). University of North Carolina Press, 1998. xx +277 pp. DAVID FOSTER, pp. 83-84. Pilgrimage and Narrative in the French Renaissance: `The Undiscovered Country'. By WES WILLIAMS. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1998. x+326 pp. Hb p45.00. DAVID COWLING, pp. 84-85. Inventaire, lecture, invention: melanges de critique et d'histoire litteraires offerts a Bernard Beugnot. Edited by J. MARTEL and R. MELANcON. Montreal, Paragraphes, 1999. 438 pp. MICHAEL HAWCROFT, p. 85. Dictionnaire analytique des [oelig]uvres theatrales francaises du XVIIe siecle. Sous la direction de MARC VUILLERMOZ. Paris, Champion, 1998. 857 pp. Hb p82.75. JAN CLARKE, p. 86. Lectures classiques. By JULES BRODY. Charlottesville, Rockwood Press, 1996. xi+321 pp. HENRY PHILLIPS, pp. 86-87. Confidential Strategies: The Evolving Role of the `Confident' in French Tragic Drama (1635-1677). By VALERIE WORTH-STYLIANOU. Geneva, Droz, 1999. xi+247 pp. HENRY PHILLIPS, pp. 87-88. Racine infiniment. By JEAN EMELINA. Paris, SEDES, 1999. 207 pp. HENRY PHILLIPS, pp. 88-89. Presences de Racine. Edited by WOLFGANG LEINER and VOLKER SCHRoDER. ([OElig]uvres et critiques, XXIV, I). Tubingen, Gunter Narr, 1999. 326 pp. RICHARD PARISH, p. 89. Towards a Cultural Philology: `Phedre' and the Construction of `Racine'. By AMY WYGANT. Oxford, Legenda, 1999. 158 pp. MICHAEL HAWCROFT, p. 90. Le Temps des origines: l'Eden, le Deluge et `les temps recules' - De Pascal a l'`Encyclopedie'. By CLAUDINE POULOIN. (Lumiere classique, 19). Paris, Champion, 1998. 667 pp., 5 baw ills. JOHN LEIGH, pp. 90-91. Fiction and Reality in the `Memoires' of the Notorious Anne-Marguerite Petit du Noyer. By ReGINE REYNOLDS CONNELL. Tubingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 1999. 151 pp. RICHARD PARISH, pp. 91-92. Les `Remarques' de l'Academie francaise sur le `Quinte-Curce' de Vaugelas, 1719-1720: contribution a une histoire de la norme grammaticale et rhetorique en France. Edited by WENDY AYRES-BENNETT and PHILIPPE CARON. Paris, Presses de l'Ecole normale superieure, 1996. 417 pp. ANTHONY LODGE, p. 92. Saint-Simon: un historien dans les marges. By MALINA STEFANOVSKA. (Les Dix-huitiemes siecles, 22). Paris, Champion, 1998. 212 pp. Hb 290 F. CRAIG MOYES, p. 93. Lectures de Robert Challe: actes du colloque de la Sorbonne (26-27 juin 1996). Edited by J. CORMIER. Paris, Champion, 1999. 176 pp. ANNE DE SOLA, pp. 93-94. La Sensibilite dans la litterature francaise au XVIIIe siecle.Textes recueillis par FRANCO PIVA. (Biblioteca della ricerca. Cultura straniera, 86). Fasano, Schena - Didier Erudition, 1998. 431 pp. L 45.000. D. J. CULPIN, pp. 94-95. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 358. Edited by ANTHONY STRUGNELL. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 1997. 266 pp., 6 baw plates. JOHN LEIGH, pp. 95-96. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 371. Edited by ANTHONY STRUGNELL. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 1999. viii+343 pp., 19 baw plates. Hb p75.00. D. J. ADAMS, pp. 96-97. Livres interdits, livres persecutes: 1720-1770. Edited by FRANcOISE WEIL. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 1999. 138 pp. WILLIAM DOYLE, p. 97. The Darnton Debate: Books and Revolution in the Eighteenth Century. Edited by HAYDN T. MASON. Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 1999. ix+305 pp. MICHAEL RAPPORT, pp. 97-98. La Bible dans la correspondance de Voltaire. By FRANcOIS BESSIRE. (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 367). Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 1999. 346 pp. Hb p55.00. MARC SERGE RIVIeRE, pp. 98-99. JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU: Le Levite d'Ephraim. Edition critique par FReDeRIC S. EIGELDINGER. (L'Age des Lumieres, 9). Paris, Champion, 1999. 156 pp. THOMAS M. KAVANAGH, pp. 99-100. D'Alembert et la mecanique de la verite dans l'`Encyclopedie'. By MARTINE GROULT. (Les Dix-Huitieme siecles, 34). Paris, Champion, 1999. 504 pp. KATE E. TUNSTALL, p. 100. Gardens and Landscapes in the `Encyclopedie' of Diderot and d'Alembert: The Letterpress Articles and Selected Engravings. By TERENCE M. RUSSELL and ANN-MARIE THORNTON. 2 vols. Aldershot, Ashgate, 1999. xv+609 pp. 24 baw plates. Hb p75.00. GRAHAM GARGETT, p. 101. Le Siecle des Lumieres: bibliographie chronologique. Tome XVIII. 1776-1778. Tome XIX. 1779-1781. By PIERRE M. CONLON. (Historie des idees et critique litteraire, 367; 376). Geneva, Droz, 1998; 1999. xxxv+582 pp; xxxi+631 pp. HAYDN MASON, pp. 101-102. The Novel's Seductions: Stael's `Corinne' in Critical Inquiry. Edited by KARYNA SZMURLO. Cranbury - London, Associated University Presses, 1999. 321 pp. Hb p38.00. NIGEL HARKNESS, pp. 102-103. La Querelle du roman-feuilleton: litterature, presse et politique, un debat precurseur (1836-1848). Textes reunis et presentes par LISE DUMASY. Universite Stendhal Grenoble, ELLUG, 1999. 278 pp. Pb 185 F. SARAH CAPITANIO, pp. 103-104. George Sand and Autobiography. By JANET HIDDLESTON. Oxford, Legenda, 1999. 107 pp. Pb p14.50. NIGEL HARKNESS, pp. 104-105. Vom Sonett zur Prosa. `La Fanfarlo' von Charles Baudelaire. By ELISABETH OEHLER. Cologne, Verlag Christoph Dohr, 1999. 176 pp. ROSEMARY LLOYD, p. 105. Approaches to Teaching Baudelaire's `Flowers of Evil'. Edited by LAURENCE M. PORTER. New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2000. 212 pp. Hb [dollar]37.50. Pb [dollar]18.00. PETER BROOME, p. 106. Baudelaire's Prose Poems: The Practice and Politics of Irony. By SONYA STEPHENS. Oxford University Press, 1999. xii+181 pp. STEVE MURPHY, pp. 106-107. New approaches in Flaubert Studies. Edited by TONY WILLIAMS and MARY ORR. (Studies in French Literature, 34). Lampeter, The Edwin Mellen Press, 1999. x+243 pp. Hb [dollar]89.95. GEOFFREY WALL, p. 108. Le Pas de Flaubert: une danse macabre. By YVONNE BARGUES-ROLLINS. Paris, Champion, 1998. 466 pp. ANNE GREEN, pp. 108-109. THeODORE DE BANVILLE: [OElig]uvres poetiques completes. Tome VI. Idylles prussiennes, Trente-six ballades joyeuses, Rondels. Textes etablis, notices, variantes et notes par PHILIPPE ANDReS. Roses de Noel. Texte etabli, variantes et notes par ROSEMARY LLOYD. Paris, Champion, 1999. iv+724 pp. LAWRENCE WATSON, pp. 109-110. The Poetry of Rimbaud. By ROBERT GREER COHN. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 1999. xiv+447 pp. Pb [dollar]29.95. GERALD MACKLIN, pp. 110-111. Contributions a la lecture de Rimbaud. By ALBERT HENRY. (Memoires de la classe des Lettres). Brussels, Academie royale de Belgique, 1998. 320 pp. Pb 1450 BF. E. HERVY, pp. 111-112. The Family in Crisis in Late Nineteenth-Century French Fiction. By NICHOLAS WHITE. (Cambridge Studies in French, 57). Cambridge University Press, 1999. xii+214 pp. Hb p40; [dollar]64.95. CAROL MOSSMAN, pp. 112-113. Empailler le toreador: l'incongru dans la litterature francaise de Charles Nodier a Eric Chevillard. By PIERRE JOURDE. (Les Essais). Paris, Corti, 1999. 348 pp. Pb 140 F. CHRISTOPHER SHORLEY, p. 113. French Cultural Politics and Music: From the Dreyfus Affair to the First World War. By JANE F. FULCHER. Oxford University Press, 1999. xii+291 pp. NICHOLAS WHITE, p. 114. Romain Rolland. By R. A. FRANCIS. Oxford - New York, Berg, 1999. viii+285 pp. Hb p42.99. DAVID HANLEY, pp. 114-115. ANDRe GIDE: Essais critiques. Edition presentee, etablie et annotee par PIERRE MASSON. (Bibliotheque de la Pleiade). Paris, Gallimard, 1999. xcvii+1305 pp. Hb 445 F. MICHAEL TILBY, pp. 115-116. Reading Paul Valery: Universe in Mind. Edited by PAUL GIFFORD and BRIAN STIMPSON. (Cambridge Studies in French, 58). Cambridge University Press, 1998. xi+317 pp. PETER COLLIER, pp. 116-117. Mysteres d'Alain-Fournier: colloque organise a Cerisy. By ALAIN BUISINE and CLAUDE HERZFELD. St Genouph, Nizet, 1999. 231 pp. 185 F. PASCALE MCGARRY, p. 117. Hairstyles and Fashion: A Hairdresser's History of Paris, 1910-1920. Edited by STEVEN ZDATNY. Oxford - New York, Berg, 1999. vii+204 pp. Pb p14.99. HeLeNE STAFFORD, p. 118. Artaud: `Le Theatre et son double'. By BRIAN SINGLETON. (Critical Guides to French Texts, 118). London, Grant a Cutler, 1998. 88 pp. Pb p5.25. MARY NOONAN, pp. 118-119. L'[OElig]il du poete: Pieyre de Mandiargues et la peinture. By SIMONE GROSSMAN. (Archives des Lettres Modernes, 273). Paris - Caen, Lettres modernes Minard, 1999. 133 pp. Pb 95 F. ANDREW ROTHWELL, pp. 119-120. Simone Weil: Thinking Poetically. By JOAN DARGAN. (SUNY series, Simone Weil Studies). Albany, State University of New York Press, 1999. xi+148 pp. J. P. LITTLE, pp. 120-121. Women and the Second World War in France 1939-1948: Choices and Constraints. By HANNA DIAMOND. (Longman Series on Women and Men in History). Harlow, Pearson Education, 1999. 231 pp. Pb p14.99. JACKIE CLARKE, pp. 121-122. Mauriac et de Gaulle: les ordres de la charite et de la grandeur. By MALCOLM SCOTT. Bordeaux, L'Esprit du Temps, 1999. 268 pp. 90 F. JOHN FLOWER, pp. 122-123. Mona Lisa's Escort: Andre Malraux and the Reinvention of French Culture. By HERMAN LEBOVICS. Ithaca - London, Cornell University Press, 1999. xiii+246 pp., 37 baw plates. DAVID LOOSELEY, pp. 123-124. Simone de Beauvoir: Gender and Testimony. By URSULA TIDD. (Cambridge Studies in French, 61). Cambridge University Press, 1999. xii+250 pp. DIANA HOLMES, pp. 124-125. Le Temps et le transcendant dans l'[oelig]uvre de Simone de Beauvoir. By BETTY HALPERN-GUEDJ. (Etudes litteraires francaises, 67). Tubingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 1998. 278 pp. URSULA TIDD, pp. 125-126. French Existentialism: Consciousness, Ethics and Relations with Others. Edited by JAMES GILES. (Value Enquiry Book Series, 87). Amsterdam - Atlanta, Rodopi, 1999. 219 pp. Pb p22.00; [dollar]36.00. URSULA TIDD, p. 126. Heterographies: Sexual Difference in French Autobiography. By ALEX HUGHES. Oxford, Berg, 1999. vii+186 pp. Hb p42.99. EMMA WILSON, p. 127. Beckett and Poststructuralism. By ANTHONY UHLMANN. Cambridge University Press, 1999. x+202 pp. Hb p35.00. LESLIE HILL, pp. 127-128. The Flight of Angels: Intertextuality in Four Novels by Boris Vian. By ALISTAIR CHARLES ROLLS. (Faux Titre, 107). Amsterdam - Atlanta, Rodopi, 1999. 370 pp. CHRISTOPHER SHORLEY, pp. 128-129. Sagan: `Bonjour Tristesse'. By NATHALIE MORELLO. (Critical Guides to French Texts, 122). London, Grant a Cutler, 1998. 92 pp. DIANA HOLMES, pp. 129-130. GUILLEVIC: Carnac. Translated by JOHN MONTAGUE. Introduction by STEPHEN ROMER. (Bloodaxe Contemporary French Poets, 9). Newcastle upon Tyne, Bloodaxe, 1999. 160 pp. Pb p8.95. MICHAEL BROPHY, pp. 130-131. Edouard Glissant and Postcolonial Theory: Strategies of Language and Resistance. By CELIA M. BRITTON. Charlottesville and London, University Press of Virginia, 1999. xi+224 pp. SAM HAIGH, pp. 131-132. La Polyphonie dans `Belle du Seigneur' d'Albert Cohen: pour une approche semiostylistique. By CLAIRE STOLZ. (Litterature de notre siecle, 8). Paris, Champion, 1998. 409 pp. BeATRICE DAMAMME-GILBERT, pp. 132-133. L'Architexture du reve: la litterature et les arts dans `Matiere de reves' de Michel Butor. By JACQUES LA MOTHE. (Etudes de langue et litterature francaises, 161). Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1999. 313 pp. JEAN DUFFY, pp. 133-134. Annie Ernaux: An Introduction to the Writer and her Audience. By LYN THOMAS. Oxford - New York, Berg, 1999. xiv+202 pp. Hb p44.99. SIOBHaN MCILVANNEY, pp. 134-135. Strangers and Sojourners: Jewish Identity in Contemporary Francophone Fiction. By JOYCE BLOCK LAZARUS. (Francophone Cultures and Literatures, 26). New York - Bern - Paris, Peter Lang, 1999. xiv+141 pp. GARY D. MOLE, p. 135. La Seduction policiere: signes de croissance d'un genre repute mineur - Pierre Magnan, Daniel Pennac et quelques autres. By PIERRE VERDAGUER. Birmingham, AL, Summa, 1999. xi +315 pp. CLAIRE GORRARA, p. 136. Germinal Life: The Difference and Repetition of Deleuze. By KEITH ANSELL PEARSON. London - New York, Routledge, 1999. xii+270 pp. ANDREW BROWN, pp. 136-137. Facing Postmodernity: Contemporary French Thought on Culture and Society. By MAX SILVERMAN. London - New York, Routledge, 1999. 198+viii pp Hb p47.50. Pb p16.99. KEITH READER, pp. 137-138. Claude Chabrol. By GUY AUSTIN. (French Film Directors). Manchester University Press, 1999. viii+197 pp. EMMA WILSON, pp. 138-139. Rhetoric: Readings in French Literature. By MICHAEL HAWCROFT. Oxford University Press, 1999. 268 pp. Hb p40.00. PETER BAYLEY, p. 139. Miroirs de textes: recits de voyage et intertextualite. Etudes reunies et presentees par SOPHIE LINON-CHIPON, VeRONIQUE MAGRI-MOURGUES et SARGA MOUSSA. Publications de la Faculte des Lettres, Arts et Sciences humaines de Nice, 1998. 409 pp. Pb 180 F. MICHEL BIDEAUX, p. 140. Le Participe passe autrement: protocole d'accord, exercices et corriges. By MARC WILMET. Brussels, Duculot, 1999. 122 pp. Pb 70 F. P. M. SEWELL, pp. 140-141. Variations sur la reference verbale. Edited by ANDReE BORILLO, CARL VETTERS and MARCEL VUILLAUME. (Cahiers Chronos, 3). Amsterdam - Atlanta, Rodopi, 1998. 345 pp. EMMANUELLE LABEAU, pp. 141-142. Les Faux Amis. By MICHEL BALLARD. Paris, Ellipses, 1999. 284 pp. KEN GEORGE, pp. 142-143. English Grammar for Students of French: The Study Guide for Those Learning French. By JACQUELINE MORTON. Fourth edition. Arnold, London, 1999. viii+176 pp. VALERIE WORTH-STYLIANOU, p. 143. The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. Vol. 59. 1997. Edited by STEPHEN PARKINSON and others. Leeds, W. S. Maney for the Modern Humanities Research Association, 1998. xii+1098 pp. PETER BAYLEY, pp. 143-144. MARJORIE SHAW (1914-2000) D. W., pp. 145-146. BOOKS RECEIVED pp. 147-150.