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W. Steiner, Literature as Meaning. (Penguin Academics Series)

W. Steiner, Literature as Meaning. (Penguin Academics Series)

Publié le par Julien Desrochers

STEINER, Wendy, Literature as Meaning. (Penguin Academics Series), Longman Publishing Group, March 2005, 1472 p.  (Penguin Academics).

ISBN: 032117206x

Using contemporary themes, culturally and historically diverse selections, and thought-provoking questions that illuminate key literary concepts, this brief, thematic anthology invites readers to explore vital human issues raised by various genres of the written word. Acclaimed author Wendy Steiner masterfully addresses a variety of approaches to exploring literature, including close readings of literary texts, a social issues-based approach (e.g. gender identity and war), and an introduction to literature as a discipline (genre, canon, metaphor, etc.).