Nouvelle parution
The Senses of the Text

The Senses of the Text

Publié le par François Blumenfeld

William C. Dowling, The Senses of the Text. Intensional Semantics and Literary Theory, University of Nebraska Press, 1999

In recent years the notion of determinate meaning -the idea that a word or a line in literary text means one thing rather than another thing, X rather than Y- has been widely rejected in the name of Derrida and différance, reader-response criticism, and "ideological" approaches proclaiming meaning to be no more than a site of political contestation.
Yet determinate meaning, says William C. Dowling, cannot be rejected in this way. Like the ratio named by pi or the primeness of prime numbers in mathematics, it has been there all along, waiting for our theories to catch up. The proof that this is so, he argues, is today most compellingly available in the New Intensionalism of Jerrold J. Katz, which provides a powerful demonstration that the method of "close reading" developed by New Criticism remains the only valid basis for higher-order interpretation.

(Extrait de la quatrième de couverture)