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 Robert Louis Stevenson and Theories of Reading

Robert Louis Stevenson and Theories of Reading

Publié le par Alexandre Gefen

Robert Louis Stevenson and Theories of Reading
The Reader as Vagabond
Glenda Norquay
Manchester University Press
Table of Contents

1. Introduction: the vagabonding reader
2. The Calvinist configuration
3. A 'fictitious article': Stevenson and nineteenth-century literary culture
4. 'Whores of the mind': the analysis of pleasure
5. 'A landmark on the plains of history': Covenanting history and The Master of Ballantrae
6. Textual haunting: Stevenson and Dumas
7. Trading texts: Stevenson and the popular
8. Conclusion.


Glenda Norquay is Professor of Sccottish Literary Studies at Liverpool John Moores University