Événements & colloques
Miracles of the Virgin: Medieval narratives through time and space (Maynooth)

Miracles of the Virgin: Medieval narratives through time and space (Maynooth)

Publié le par Philippe Robichaud (Source : Jean-Louis Benoit)

Colloque international

National University of Ireland

Les Miracles de Notre-Dame au Moyen Age

Dublin Maynooth

29 mars au 1er avril 2017

Organisé par Anthony John Lappin 



WEDNESDAY Maynooth University, Renehan Hall

17.00–17.15 Welcome Ewa Balicka-Witakowska, Anthony Lappin

17.15–17.30 Practicalia Ewa Balicka-Witakowska


17.30–18.15 Francesca Dell’Acqua (University of Birmingham)

Restored to Fluency: a Miracle of Mary and the Beginnings of Early Medieval Mariology

19.00 Dinner


THURSDAY Maynooth University, Renehan Hall

9.30–10.00 Anthony Lappin (Maynooth University)

Introduction: the Latin Collection

10.00–10.30 Matthew Driscoll (Copenhagen University/Ulster University)

Miracles of the Virgin in Old Icelandic

10.30–11.00 Zsofia A. Bartok (Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE) Budapest)

The Exempla of the Virgin Mary in the Early Hungarian Literature

11.00–11.30 Coffee

11.30–12.00 Johan Heldt (Uppsala Univeristy)

Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Collections of Marian Miracle Stories

12.00–12.30 Robert Phenix (Independent scholar) in absentia

A Comparative Examination of the Miracles of Mary in Armenian

12.30–13.00 Nino Doborjginidze (Ilia State University, Tbilisi)

The Miracles of Virgin Mary in Georgian Literary Tradition

13.00–14.30 Lunch

14.30–15.00 Beatrice Daskas (Ludwig-Maximilians- University, Munich)

From Constantinople to the West: the miracle of Mary’s pallium and the Latin version of the Greek Akathist hymn

15.00–15.30 M. Dimitrova (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) and A. Angusheva (University of Manchester) in absentia

Miracles of the Theotokos in Byzantine and Slavonic Vitae: Reception and Adaptation of Byzantine Hagiography in Slavic Context

15.30–16.00 Dessislava Uzunova (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia)

“Miracles of the Theotokos” in South Slavonic Manuscripts (14th–18th centuries)

16.00–16.30 Coffee


16.30–17.30 Mary Cunningham (University of Nottingham)

The Miraculous Presence of the Virgin Mary in Constantinople (ca. 7th–10th centries): shrines, relics, icons

19.00 Dinner


31.3 FRIDAY Dublin, Trinity College, Henry Jones Room

10.00–10.30 Jean-Louis Benoît (Universit. de Bretagne Sud)

Les Miracles de Notre-Dame en français (XIIe et XIIIe siècles). Foi et littérature

10.30–11.00 Anthony Lappin (Maynooth University)

The Miracles of the Virgin Mary in Spain

10.30–11:00 Virginia Langum (Ume. University)

The Middle English Miracles: Between Sickness and Health

11.00-11.30 Coffee


11.30–12.30 Rasa Baločkaitė (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas)

Marian Apparitions in the Soviet Lithuania: Cultural and Political Appropriations

12.30–14.00 Free time and opportunity to visit the exhibition “the Book of Kells”

14.00–14.30 Barbara Crostini (Uppsala University)

Silvano Razzi’s Tuscan Translation of Marian Miracles and its Success

15.30 Visit to Chester Beatty Library

Dinner in Dublin; return to Maynooth


SATURDAY Maynooth University, Renehan Hall

9.30–10.00 Cornelia Horn (Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg)

Traditions on Miracles of Mary in the Syriac Literary and Cultural Realm: Towards the Status Qaestionis

10.00–10.30 Wadi Awad (Franciscan Centre of Christian Oriental Studies, Cairo)

The Arabic Miracles of Mary

10.30–11.00 Coffee

11.00–11.30 Ewa Balicka-Witakowska (Uppsala University)

The Miracles of the Virgin Mary: Two Ethiopian Collections Locally Composed

11.30–12.00 Jan Retso (Gothenburg University)

A New Illuminated Manuscript of the Miracles of Mary from Enda Chege, Tigray, Ethiopia

12.00–13.00 Roundtable ending

13.00–14.00 Lunch