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Formless: Ways In and Out of Form

Formless: Ways In and Out of Form

Publié le par Angela Ryan

Patrick Crowley and Paul Hegarty          Introduction

Patrick Crowley and Paul Hegarty          Formless I. Groundless Interpretations : Thought and Formless

Graham Allen        On Information and the Chance of Teaching

Tony O'Connor      O Friend, Where Art Thou ? Derridean Deconstruction and Friendship

Jeremy Biles         Meditations at the Midway : The Work of Fantasy in the Thought of Georges Bataille

Sinéad Murphy      Forms of the Avant-garde

Gary Genosko       The Spirit of Symbolic Exchange : Jean Baudrillard's 9/11

Patrick Crowley & Paul Hegarty            Formless 2. Within and Between : Literature and Formless

Caitríona Leahy     Bataille and Kafka. Or : Formless takes shape

Larry Duffy            Les Mots font leurs besognes : Informe as High-Low Hybridity on Board the Ville-de-Montereau

Angela Ryan          Shadows on a Cloudy Ground' : The Poetics of the Informe in George Sand's Un Hiver à Majorque.

Fiona Cox              The Formlessness of Hugo's Epic World.

Patricia Berney      L'Abbé C : Strategies of Formless.

Patrick Crowley and Paul Hegarty         Formless 3. The Interminable Detour of Form : Art and Formless

Andrew Benjamin  The Matter of a Materialist Philosophy of Art : Bataille's Manet

Douglas Smith        Disfigurements : Bacon, Deleuze and the Formless

Douglas Morrey     An Embarrassment of Riches : Godard and the Aesthetics of Expenditure in Le Rapport Darty

Stephen Walker     Animate Form : Architecture's Troublesome Claims to Formlessness


Ed. Patrick Crowley and Paul Hegarty. Oxford, Bern : Peter Lang, 2005. ISBN 3-03910-056-4