Événements & colloques
Encyclopedia of Melancholy. Symposium II (en ligne)

Encyclopedia of Melancholy. Symposium II (en ligne)

Publié le par Université de Lausanne (Source : Veronique Duche)

Le second Symposium "Encyclopedia of Melancholy" se tiendra les jeudi 3 et vendredi 4 décembre, en ligne. 

Hélène Cazes (Univ. of Victoria) en sera la conférencière principale.



Encyclopedia of Melancholy: Symposium II

Thursday 3 December 2020 7:00pm-8:30pm (AEST)

Friday 4 December 2020 9am-5pm (AEST)

Via Zoom

University of Melbourne


Thursday 3 December

7:00pm-8:30pm (AEST)


Opening remarks: Mark Nicholls and Véronique Duché


Session 1- Chair John Griffiths


Karin Schulz (Univ. Konstanz): Le plaisir amer or the Female (Un-)approachability: A Melancholy Motif in Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu

Bertrand Bourgeois (Univ. of Melbourne): A Fin-de-siècle Taste of Melancholy: Rodenbach’s Bruges-la-Morte.

Carlos Gutiérrez Cajaraville (Univ. Valladolid): Singing and Impossible Embrace. Music, Melancholy and Platonic Love in the Renaissance  

Brenno Boccadoro (Univ. Geneva): Saturn and Polyphony: the dark mood of music in the XVIth century. An analysis of Mirabile mysetrium (1586)  of Jacobus Gallus





Friday 4 December


10:00am-11:00am (AEST)


Keynote – Chair Véronique Duché

Hélène Cazes (Univ. of Victoria): Melancholy among books: narratives of despair and scholarship in Henri Estienne’s (1531-1590) confidences


Session 2 – Chair Mark Nicholls


11:00am-12:30pm (AEST)


Sonia Cancian (Max Planck Institute, Berlin) :  With you away on this day...” Melancholia in the Letters of an Italian migrant couple

Patrick Kennedy (Univ. of Melbourne): Melancholy in Victor Hugo's Les Contemplations: visionary politics or visionless poetics?

Nicola Kelly (Univ. of Melbourne) : 'Catching' a Conscience: Hamlet's Contagious Melancholy




Session 3 – Chair Vivien Gaston


1:30pm-3:30pm (AEST)


Harriette Richards (Univ. of Melbourne): Fashioning Melancholia in Aotearoa New Zealand

Peter Mountford (Univ. of Melbourne): Art in Pompeii reflecting a concern for the brevity of life.

John Griffiths (Univ. of Melbourne): Semitones of Sorrow, Monotones of Melancholy

Marija Peričić (Univ. of Melbourne): A melancholy time



Veuillez contacter Véronique Duché (veronique, pour obtenir une invitation.