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Tolkien and Modernity

Tolkien and Modernity

Publié le par Vincent Ferré (Source : Walking Tree Publishers)

Weinreich, Frank & Thomas Honegger (eds.) Tolkien and Modernity
2 volumes. ( Cormarë Series volumes 9 and 10 )

These volumes, dedicated to Tolkien and Modernity, grew out of the wish to further the exploration of Tolkien as a contemporary writer, i.e. an author whose literary creations can be seen as a response to the challenges of the modern world. It comprises papers that focus on the following themes: Tolkien and the 20th century, feminist theory, time, creativity, and freedom. Although one could argue that most of these topics have been discussed since the beginning of literature, it is with the shaping events of the first half of the 20th century the World Wars, Einstein's theory of relativity, totalitarianism and the atomic bomb, that they gained a new and immediate relevance.

sommaire du premier volume :

"Introduction", Frank Weinreich & Thomas Honegger
"Tolkien: A Man of his Time?", Anna Vaninskaya
"Against Stereotype:Éowyn and Lúthien as 20th-Century Women", Maria Raffaella Benvenuto
"Politically Incorrect:Tolkien, Women, and Feminism", Laura Michel
"J.R.R. Tolkien:A Simplicity Between the ‘Truly Earthy’ and the ‘Absolutely Modern’", Bertrand Alliot
"The Maker’s Will … Fulfilled?", Jessica Burke & Anthony Burdge
"Brief Considerations on Determinism in Reality and Fiction", Frank Weinreich
"“Man does as he is when he may do as he wishes: The Perennial Modernity of Free Will"
Jason Fisher
"Freedom and Providence as Anti-Modern Elements?", Thomas Fornet-Ponse
"Democracy in Middle-earth:J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings from a Socio-Political Perspective", Alexander van de Bergh

présentation des articles et des auteurs sur le site de l'éditeur :

sommaire du second volume :

-"Introduction", Frank Weinreich & Thomas Honegger
- "Tolkien on Love. Concepts of ‘Love’ in The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings", Patrick Brueckner
- "The Lord of the Rings and ‘Late Style’: Tolkien, Adorno and Said", Margaret Hiley
- "An Introduction to the Dynamics of the Intertraditional Dialogue in The Lord of the Rings:Aragorn’s Heroic Evolution", Martin Simonson
- "Slow-Kindled Courage. A Study of Heroes in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien",
Anna Slack
- "Hidden Paths of Time:March 13th and the Riddles of Shelob’s Lair", Judith Klinger
- "The Passing of the Elves and the Arrival of Modernity: Tolkien’s ‘Mythical Method’Thomas Honegger"
- "The Shaping of ‘Reality’ in Tolkien’s Works:An Aspect of Tolkien and Modernity
Heidi Krueger (translated by Heidi Steimel) "

présentation des articles :