Événements & colloques
Second Generation (Deuxième Génération). A graphic novel on fathers and sons after the Holocaust (Leicester, Royaume Uni)

Second Generation (Deuxième Génération). A graphic novel on fathers and sons after the Holocaust (Leicester, Royaume Uni)

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : Fransiska Louwagie)

Second Generation (Deuxième Génération). A graphic novel on fathers and sons after the Holocaust

Graphic novelist and cartoonist Michel Kichka presents his work Deuxième Génération, a work that portrays his father Henri Kichka as Holocaust survivor and witness, and the author's own experience as a second generation child in Belgium.

Like Art Spiegelman in Maus, Kichka uses the graphic novel medium to present the story of a father and son in a way which is both unique and universal.

The talk will be held in English.

This event is generously sponsored by Wallonie-Bruxelles International.