Événements & colloques
Republican Models and Post-Republican Realities in Contemporary France

Republican Models and Post-Republican Realities in Contemporary France

Publié le par Thomas Parisot (Source : Francofil)

Conference of the South Wales and West of England Regional Centre for Contemporary French Studies

The Hawthorns, University of Bristol, Friday 4th May 2001

The following information can be found online at:

Following the successful launch of the regional centre at the Cardiff conference in 2000, the Bristol conference will broaden the debate on some of the principal themes identified at the launch, using as its "fil conducteur" the proposition that key assumptions underpinning the way the Republic has traditionally perceived its mission are currently being challenged as never before. Whether on the issue of sovereignty, the specific recognition (or not) of communities within the body politic, or in the definition of social policy, paradigmatic Republican responses are having to accommodate pressures, internal and external, that entail profound change for the self-image of the Republic.
Ultimately, the question underlying this change is whether the Republic is now engaged on a path of convergence with other post-industrial and post-modern societies that can only be pursued to the detriment of the specificity of the French republican model.

09:30 Registration
10:00 Welcome by Tim Unwin

"The End of Sovereignty?" Gino Raymond, University of Bristol
Chair: Alistair Cole, Cardiff

11:00 Coffee

"Eurosceptics Rearguard of the Republic?" Chris Flood, University of Surrey
Chair: Sue Milner, Bath

"The Function of Culture in Social Policy Changes", Jean-Paul Revauger, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane
Chair: Mike Freeman, Bristol

12:45 Lunch

"Integration or Self-Realisation?" Nadia Kiwan, Ecole Normale Supérieure
Chair: Margaret Majumdar, Glamorgan

"Establishing a Community of Gay Citizens", Steve Wharton, University of Bath
Chair: Claire Gorrara, Cardiff

Tea and Close

Conference fee: £20 (includes lunch and refreshments)
Cheques payable to 'Department of French, University of Bristol'
Attendance is free to postgraduates.

17/19 Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1TE
Telephone: (0117) 928 7919
Fax: (0117) 928 8922
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