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On Poetry (PMLA, January 2005)

On Poetry (PMLA, January 2005)

Publié le par Julien Desrochers

PMLA is the journal of the Modern Language Association of America. Since 1884, PMLA has published members' essays judged to be of interest to scholars and teachers of language and literature. Four issues each year (January, March, May, and October) present essays on language and literature; a Directory issue (September) contains a listing of the association's members, a directory of departmental administrators, and other professional information; and the November issue is the program for the association's annual convention. Each issue of PMLA is sent directly to the nearly 30,000 college and university teachers of English and foreign languages who belong to the association and to about 3,000 libraries throughout the world.

Volume 120, Number 1, January 2005

Special Topic:  On Poetry
Coordinated by Bruce R. Smith


Introduction: Some Presuppositions
Bruce R. Smith

On the Misery of Theory without Poetry: Heidegger's Reading of Hölderlin's "Andenken"
Avital Ronell

On Not Defending Poetry: Spenser, Suffering, and the Energy of Affect
Joseph Campana

The Ethical Uselessness of Grief: Randall Jarrell's "The Refugees"
R. Clifton Spargo

The Strange Case of Araki Yasusada: Author, Object
Eric R. J. Hayot

Fugitive Lyric: The Rhymes of the Canting Crew
Daniel Tiffany

Poetry and Theory: A Roundtable

Phonic Matters: French Sound Poetry, Julia Kristeva, and Bernard Heidsieck
Carrie Noland

Mallarmé's Cinepoetics: The Poem Uncoiled by the Cinématographe, 1893-98
Christophe Wall-Romana

Standing on the Burning Deck: Poetry, Performance, History
Catherine Robson

A Box for Wilfrid Blunt
Lucy McDiarmid

"Everything We Want": Frank O'Hara and the Aesthetics of Free Choice
Michael Clune

The Muse of Indifference
Eric C. Walker

Three Approaches to Poetry
Virginie Greene

What Praise Poems Are For
Susan Stewart

Raffaella Baccolini, David Ketterer, and Eric S. Rabkin