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K. Volk, Manilius And His Intellectual Background

K. Volk, Manilius And His Intellectual Background

Publié le par Judith Rohman (Source : Compitum)

K. Volk, Manilius And His Intellectual Background,Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009. 328 pages. 

  • ISBN: 9780199265220
  • prix: £65.00 (pdb)

Présentation de l'éditeur:

This is the first English-language monograph on Marcus Manilius, aRoman poet of the first century AD, whose Astronomica is our earliestextant comprehensive treatment of astrology. Katharina Volk bringsManilius and his world alive for modern readers by exploring themanifold intellectual traditions that have gone into shaping theAstronomica: ancient astronomy and cosmology, the history and practiceof astrology, the historical and political situation at the poem'scomposition, the poetic and generic conventions that inform it, and thephilosophical underpinnings of Manilius' world-view. What emerges is apanoroma of the cultural imagination of the Early Empire, a fascinatingpicture of the ways in which educated Greeks and Romans were accustomedto think and speak about the cosmos and man's place in it.

Extraits en ligne sur

Table des matières:

1. The Mystery of Manilius;
2. Portrait of the Universe;
3. The Rules of Fate;
4. Horoscopes and Emperors;
5. Teaching and Poetry;
6. Making Sense of the World;
7. The Universe and Us