Événements & colloques
Dreams of Birth and Death. Liminal Bodily Experiences in Dreams: Literature, the Fine Arts, Theatre, Music and Film (Saarbrücken)

Dreams of Birth and Death. Liminal Bodily Experiences in Dreams: Literature, the Fine Arts, Theatre, Music and Film (Saarbrücken)

International Conference

Dreams of Birth and Death. Liminal Bodily Experiences in Dreams:

Literature, the Fine Arts, Theatre, Music and Film

hosted by t

he DFG-funded Research Training Group “European Dream Cultures” (GRK 2021)

21 - 23 March 2018 at Saarland University


Keynote Speaker: Prof. John Deathridge (King’s College London), Wagnertraum(a): 421 recorded dreams of a composer from Germany


Birth and death are situated at or beyond the borders of life; as such, they occur too early or too late to be perceived and recorded as authentic experiences. However, dreams – fictionalized, imagined, and performed – can open up experiential spaces for these extreme physical transitions.

The mysterious elements of dreams – their disregard for the physical laws of time and space, and for cultural models of identity, coherence and logic, are magnified in dreams of the beginning and end of life. Simultaneously, the artistic depiction of such experience is particularly challenging: memories and stories of dreams have to find ways and means to transform that which is “elsewhere” and unimaginable into something palpable and conveyable. From the antiquity to the present day we can find representations of dreams – whether in literary texts, paintings, music or in film – that focus on the limitations and boundaries of human life.

Bearing in mind the goal of pursuing a literary, cultural and media history of dreams and dreaming, the international conference “Dreams of Birth and Death”, hosted by the DFG-funded Research Training Group “European Dream‑Cultures”, is dedicated to the phenomena of dreamed birth and death, related discourses and artistic realisations.



The conference will take place at Saarland University from March, 21-23, 2018.

Conference languages are German, English and French.

The symposium is free to attend but registration is required no later than 1 March 2018 (

For further information see



Wednesday, March 21, 2018


09.15 Uhr | Registration and Coffee


09.30 Uhr | Introductory Remarks

Chair: Christiane Solte-Gresser and Mauro Fosco Bertola


I. Dreams in Middle Age and Protestantism

Chair: Abdoulaye Samaké


10.30 Nine Miedema (Universität des Saarlandes): Träume über die Geburt in mittelhochdeutschen Texte


11.15 Mireille Demaules (Université d'Artois): Du rêve de naissance au rêve de reniassance: l'exemple de Christine de Pizan


12.00 Yanan Qizhi (Pennsylvania State University): Lutherans' Dreams about Death in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries


12.45 - 14.00 Lunch


II. Dreams and Agency

Chair: Romana Weiershausen


14.00 Hanna Matthies (Universität des Saarlandes): Handlungs(un)möglichkeiten in Todesträumen: Motivische Überlegungen zur Hand


14.45 Johanne Mohs (Hochschule der Künste Berlin): Dem Tod einen T/Raum geben. Überlegungen zu einer Poetik des Eingeschlossenseins bei Georges Perec


15.30 Christiane Solte-Gresser (Universität des Saarlandes): Das Sterben der Anderen: Zur Traum-Sprache des ›Muselmanns‹ bei Vercors und Delbo


16.15 - 16.45 Coffee break


II. Dreams and Agency

Chair: Henrieke Stahl


16.45 Katina Baharova (Universität Trier): »Ja splju, a smert’ moja vo mne…« (»Ich schlafe und mein Tod in mir…«). Tod und (Wieder-)Geburt in den oneirischen Gedichten von Elena Švarc


17.30 Dorothea Redepenning (Universität Heidelberg): Raskolnikows Traum


Walking together from Graduate Centre to Aula


18.00 Recital: Traumlieder | Liederträume

Reuben Willcox – baritone

Corinna Korff-Willcox – piano


New PhD-Students meet old graduates


Postersession and Get Together: Wine, Cheese and Chat



Thursday, March 22, 2018


IV. Painting and Cinema

Chair: Sigrid Ruby


09.30 Katharina Thurmair (Universität München): ›Dans le Rêve‹ und ›Les Origines‹ – Genese von Bewusstsein und Materie in den Noirs von Odilon Redon


10.15 Emmanuel Plasseraud (Université Bordeaux Montaigne): ›La Ville des pirates‹ (1984) de Raoul Ruiz. Un rêve de naissance et de mort


11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break



V. Traumatic Dreams of Birth

Chair: Marlen Schneider


11.30 Sigrid Ruby (Universität Gießen): Der Traum gebiert Ungeheuerliches: Gemälde von Dana Schutz


12.15 Mauro Fosco Bertola (Universität des Saarlandes): »Non senti?« Traum und/als Musik an der Schwelle von Geburt und Tod in Salvatore Sciarrinos „unsichtbarer Handlung“ ›Lohengrin‹ (1983)



13.00 - 14.30 Lunch


VI. Dreaming the Beyond

Chair: Manfred Engel


14.30 Axel Schröter (Universität Bremen): »Dass ich tausend Leben überstanden habe«. − Jakobs Traum und seine visionäre Fortspinnung in Arnold Schönbergs Oratorium ›Die Jakobsleiter‹


15.15 Oliver Schmidt (Institut für Humanities, Technische Universität Hamburg): Jenseits(t)räume im Kino der 1990er Jahre


16.00 Roland Spiller (Universität Frankfurt): Borges liest Dante: Körper, Tod und Empathie


16.45 - 17.30 Coffee break


17.30 | Keynote

John Deathridge (King’s College London): Wagnertraum(a): 421 recorded dreams of a composer from Germany



Friday, March 23, 2018


VII. French Dreams from the 17th to the  19th Century

Chair: Patricia Oster-Stierle


9.30 Katja Priebe (Universität Kassel): Von Geburt und Tod im ›Songe de Francion‹


10.15 Angela Calderón Villarino (Universität Heidelberg / Universität des Saarlandes): »Je me dis, c’est sa mort ou la mienne«. Tod und Todesfantasien in Gérard de Nervals ›Aurélia‹


11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break


VIII. Cinema and Photography

Chair: Mauro Fosco Bertola


11.30 Elena Tyushova (Université Paris 8): Le temps non chronologique du rêve et les rencontres entre les arts dans l’œuvre cinématographique d’Ingmar Bergman

12.15 Carlos Kong (Princeton University): Dreaming Delay: Photography and Survival in Jacques Derrida’s ›Demeure, Athènes‹


13.00 - 14.00 Lunch


IX. (Other)Worldly Dreams in Literature

Chair: Janett Reinstädler


14.00 Sylvester Bubel (Universität des Saarlandes): »La régression vers les règnes les plus élémentaires de la nature«: Zur Funktion der Geburts- und Todes-Träume in Prousts ›À la recherche du temps perdu‹


14.45 Peter Brandes (Universität Bochum): Liegekur und Totenbett: Geträumte Tode in Thomas Manns ›Der Zauberberg‹


15.15 Manfred Engel (Universität des Saarlandes): Träume vom Leben nach dem Tode bei Jean Paul