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D.M. MacDowell, Demosthenes the Orator

D.M. MacDowell, Demosthenes the Orator

Publié le par Frédérique Fleck (Source : BMCR)

Douglas M. MacDowell, Demosthenes the Orator.   Oxford/New York:  Oxford University Press, 2009.  Pp. x, 457.  

  • ISBN 9780199287192.  
  • $135.00.  

Recension par Mirko Canevaro (Durham University) dans Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.08.66.

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Présentation de l'éditeur:

In the most comprehensive account available of the texts of Demosthenes, Douglas M. MacDowell describes and assesses all of the great orator's speeches, including those for the lawcourts as well as the addresses to the Ekklesia. Besides the genuine speeches, MacDowell also covers those which have probably wrongly been ascribed to Demosthenes, such as the ones written for delivery by Apollodorus; and he considers too the Epistles, the Prooemia, and the puzzling Erotic Speech. The arguments of each speech are analysed. The question whether the texts reproduce accurately what was actually spoken is approached cautiously. There is a short survey of Demosthenes' prose style, with examples quoted in Greek. In the rest of the book quotations are given in the author's own translations, with the Greek words added in footnotes where appropriate.

Douglas M. MacDowell is Professor Emeritus of Greek, University of Glasgow. 

Table des matières:

1. Speeches and texts

2. Demosthenes' family and personal life

3. Demosthenes' inheritance

4. Other families

5. Apollodorus

6. Liturgies and the navy

7. Illegal proposals and unsuitable laws

8. The young politician

9. Assault and the rule of law

10. Trade and industry

11. Citizenship and disfranchisement

12. The Peace of Philokrates

13. War and defeat

14. The case of the crown

15. Style

16. The letters and the final years