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After the Deluge

After the Deluge

Publié le par Baptiste Roux (Source : Philippe Poirrier)

After the Deluge: New Perspectives on Postwar French Intellectual and Cultural History

Edited by Julian Bourg
Lanham Md., Lexington Books, 2004, 472p.

Julian Bourg

Is There Such aThing as "French Philosophy?" or Why do We Read the French So Badly?
Alan D. Schrift

Against Capitalism? French Theory and the Economy after 1945.
William Gallois

The Post-Marx of the Letter.
Warren Breckman

A New Generation of Greek Intellectuals in Postwar France.
Christophe Premat

Kostas Axelos and the World of the Arguments Circle
Stuart Elden.

"Un contradicteur permanent:" The Ideological and Political Itinerary of Daniel Guérin.
David Berry

Guy Hocquenghem and the Cultural Revolution in France after May 1968.
Ron Haas

The Myth of Emmanuel Levinas.
Ethan Kleinberg

Raymond Aron: Nationalism and Supranationalism in the Years Following
the Second World War.
Lucia Bonfreschi

French Intellectuals ant the Repression of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956:
The Politics of a Protest Reconsidered
Michel Scott Christofferson

From l'Univers Concentrationnaire to the Jewish Genocide: Pierre Vidal-Naquet and the Treblinka Controversy.
Samuel Moyn

French Cultural Policy in Question, 1981-2003.
Philippe Poirrier

Religion, Republicanism, and Depoliticization: Two Intellectual Itineraries-Régis Debray and Marcel Gauchet
Michael Behrent

Afterword: For Intellectual History.
François Dosse

Contact :
Julian Bourg