Jean-Marie Volet annonce la publication du no 13 de la revue Mots pluriels: Aux Lectrices et Lecteurs de "Mots Pluriels". Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que le dernier numéro de Mots Pluriels (no 13. avril 2000) vient de paraître sur le thème: "NEW AFRICAN PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES OF THE FUTURE / AFRIQUE : COMPRENDRE LE PASSE ET PREPARER L'AVENIR". Vous trouverez ce numéro à l'adresse habituelle: Merci de votre intérêt pour notre journal. Bonne lecture jmv Table des matières - Editorial FRANCOPHONE LITERATURES - Jazz et littérature francophone de Sylvie Kandé - Les mémoires absentes! (Femmes, Afrique, parole et écriture) d'Angèle Bassolé - Mwine Kintende Maliza, Lye Mudaba Yoka et la nouvelle de langue française en république démocratique du Congo d'Alphonse Mbuyamba Kankolongo IMAGE, CONFLICT AND TYRANNY IN AFRICAN LITERATURES - Conrad's image of Africa: Recovering African voices in Heart of Darkness by Peter Mwikisa - The dictating currents and the questioning of tyranny in Africa: an intertextual study of Fémi Osófisan's Yungba-Yungba and the dance contest by Solá Adéyemi - Gestures of reconciliation: Three novels of colonial war by Isabel Moutinho SOUTH AFRICAN LITERATURES - Voices from the past: The depiction of the khoisan in contemporary Afrikaans historical novels by Luc Renders - A view from the ground: The new South Africa in its own literature by Kristof Haavik - "Something terrible happened": Nadine Gordimer's The house gun and the politics of violence and recovery in post-apartheid South Africa by Sue Kossew - South Africa's language policy: Controlled status enhancement and reduction by William W. Bostock SOCIETY, ECONOMICS, AND GLOBALIZATION - Can restructuring of industry create jobs in South African townships? by Wim Pelupessy - Foreign direct investment flows to African countries: Trends, determinants and future prospects by Elsabé Loots - Globalisation: An issue of contestation and struggle in South Africa by Michael J. Meyer - Northern Johannesburg: part of the 'rainbow' or neo-apartheid city in the making? by Keith S.O. Beavon EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY, PUBLISHING, AND GLOBALIZATION - Negotiating history, truth and reconciliation and globalisation: An analysis of the suppression of historical consciousness in South African schools as case study by June Bam - Les universités africaines dans le sillage de la mondialisation by Camille Ekomo Engolo - Indigenous publishing in Africa: An overview of accelerated training and research, and African self-help efforts by K.O. Darko-Ampem - Using the internet to support information technology dissemination in an information poor environment by Darrell J. Parsons & T.Z. Nkgau POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - One party domination, transformation and democracy: critical challenges facing the African National Congress (ANC) in the new millenium by Phil Mtimkulu - Australia and South Africa: Neighbours or strangers in the South by Gary M. Mersham PRIX NOMA - NOMA AWARD 1999 - Allocution du Professeur Samb lors de la remise du Prix Noma 1999 - Professor Samb's speech at the Noma Award, Perth 1999 INTERVIEWS - L'interprétation des rêves dans la région sénégambienne (Prix Noma 1999). Un entretien avec Djibril Samb, proposé par Jean-Marie Volet - Autour du roman Les Cacos. Un entretien avec Jean Métellus, proposé par Jean-Marie Salien BOOK REVIEW - Jean-Pierre Durix "Mimesis, genres and post-colonial discourse. Deconstructing magic realism. Book review by Andrea Schwieger Hiepko CREATIVE WRITING - "Les Frères de Dieu" une nouvelle de Ghislaine Sathoud RA
Nouvelle parution
Publié le par Julien Desrochers