Événements & colloques
Drôle de goût ? Conférence sur l'humour et le goût. Tasting Funny ? Conference on Humour and Taste (Bâle)

Drôle de goût ? Conférence sur l'humour et le goût. Tasting Funny ? Conference on Humour and Taste (Bâle)

Thursday, 14 September

11:00 welcome and coffee

11:30 Taste of Sex

Emma Sullivan Sex Comedy

Jérôme Laubner The taste of sex in Early 17th Century Pornographic Poetry

12:30 Lunch

14:30 Feeding Stereotypes

Ewelina Pepiak Different Tastes? Métissage, Islam and Food Constraints in French Multicultural Comedies                                                      

Jonathan Ervine Tasting Hybridity: Uncle Roger and Big Zuu’s Humorous Visions of Global Food

Fong-Ming Yang How to Make RIGHT Egg Fried Rice: Uncle Roger and Intercultural Dialogue via Food Taste

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 Keynote Lecture by Sophie Quirk

The Politics of Taste: Challenges for the Comedy Industry

Friday, 15 September

09:00 Coffee

09:30 Side of Cannibalism

Adam Smith “No Way Comparable in Taste or Magnificence”: Satire, Cannibalism and the Dangers of Taste

Bruno Dupont, Lison Jousten Abattage, écorchage, effeuillage. Variations cannibales chez Heiner Müller

Guillaume Rousseau Humour indigeste et catharsis dans les Fleurs bleues de Queneau : les blagues culinaires du duc d’Auge

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Diet of Politics

Simon Dagenais Scandalous or Inoffensive? Political Humour in France at the Expense of High Aristocrats in the Middle of the 18th Century

Thomas Messerli Comedy Beyond Humour: The Acquired Taste of Serious Stand-Up

Elisa Kriza Eating Sh*t in Russia: Food (In)security and Authoritarianism in Soviet Satires

13:00 Lunch

15:00 Sensory Bits

Antoine Garnier Le cringophone. Analyse des mécaniques musicales et sonores de l'humour gênant dans The Office

Sylwia Klos How to Make a Book Taste Funny for Children? Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Aspects of Writing and Translating Humorous Texts for Young Readers

Anne-Claire Yemsi Paillissé Delicious Fun: the "Humor of Taste" in Haute Cuisine

19:30 dinner

Saturday, 16 September

09:00 coffee

09:30 Bodily Functions

Jinghan Jiao Using Vulgar Jokes as a Weapon: The Power of Bad Taste in Ali Wong's Stand-Up Comedy

Richard Hibbitt Bodily functions: physical humour in J.-K. Huysmans’s À rebours / Against Nature

Hélène Dubail Littérature et indigestion : les vertus purgatives de l’humour

11:00 coffee break

11:30 Canon Fodder

Thibaut Bruttin The Cabbage Soup: Bad Taste and Semantic Saturation

Tom Sharkey Ethics as Taste in Humour: Comedy in the Museum

Nils Couturier, Anne-Sophie Bories A Thug's Grub: Food as Status in Renaud's Song

13:00 lunch