Événements & colloques
Quel corpo che (non) siamo (en ligne)

Quel corpo che (non) siamo (en ligne)

Publié le par Marc Escola (Source : M. Franceschina)

The Fonds Ricoeur of Paris will be hosting the following online seminar: "Quel corpo che (non) siamo", every Friday, from 21st April to 28th May, from 17h00 to 19h00.

Each session will be focused on the topic of the body, through the consideration of Paul Ricoeur's thought and from the perspective of other contemporary thinkers (e.g. Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger, Derrida, Henry, Levinas, Richir, Levi Moreno, Marcel, Waldenfels, Plessner, Simondon, Dufrenne...).  

The seminar will be held in Italian.

Invited speakers: Daniele De Santis (Charles University, Prague) and Claudio Tarditi (IUSTO, Turin).

Please, note that registration is required. 

We kindly ask you to register via the email:

The organizing committee :

Marco Franceschina, Monica Gorza, Chiara Pignatti, Giulia Zaccaro.