
La bibliographie reproduite ci-dessous donne les références d'un article de Florian Pennanech: "La narratologie féministe : des méthodes et de leurs enjeux", paru dans La Lecture littéraire n°10 : Théorie littéraire et culturalisme. Reims : Presses universitaires de Reims, 2009.

Narratologie féministe: bibliographie

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Allrath Gaby, Gymnich Marion, «Feministische Narratologie», dans Ansgar Nünning, Vera Nünning (éd.), Neue Ansätze in der Erzähltheorie, Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2002, pp.35-72.

Armstrong Nancy, «What feminism did to novel studies», dans Ellen Rooney (éd.), The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Literary Theory, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp.99-118.

Bal Mieke, «Notes on Narrative Embedding», Poetics Today, ii, n°2, 1981, pp.41-59.

-, «Tell-Tale Theories», Poetics Today, vii, n°3, 1986, pp.555-564.

-, Femmes imaginaires. L'Ancien Testament au risque d'une narratologie critique, Paris, Nizet, 1986.

-, Lethal Love. Literary-Feminist Reading of Biblical Love-Stories, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1987.

-, Murder and Difference. Gender, Genre and Scholarship on Sisera's Death, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1988.

-, «The point of narratology», Poetics Today, xi, n°4, «Narratology Revisited ii», 1990, pp.727-753.

-, «Afterwords. Theses on the Use of Narratology for Cultural Analysis», Narratology. Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2nde édition, 1998, pp.220-224.

Bal Mieke (éd.), Narrative Theory. Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, London, Routledge, 2004.

Barwell Ismay, «Feminine Perspectives and Narrative Points of View», dans Hilde Hein, Carolyn Korsmeyer (éd.), Aesthetics in Feminist Perspective, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1993, pp.93-104.

Booth Alison, Famous Last Words. Changes in Gender and Narrative Closure, Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1993.

Brewer Mária Minich, «A Loosening of Tongues. From Narrative Economy to Women Writing», Modern Language Notes, xcix, n°5, 1984, pp.1141-1161.

Brooke-Rose Christine, «Whatever Happened to Narratology?», Poetics Today, xi, n°2, «Narratology Revisited i», 1990, pp.283-294.

Brooks Peter, Reading for the Plot. Design and Intention in Narrative, New York, Random House, 1984.

Case Alison, Plotting Women. Gender and Narration in the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Novel, Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1999.

Chatman Seymour, «What Can We Learn from Contextualist Narratology?», Poetics Today, xi, n°2, «Narratology Revisited i», 1990, pp.309-328.

Chaudhuri Shohini, Feminist Film Theorists. Laura Mulvey, Kaja Silverman, Teresa de Lauretis, Barbara Creed, London, New York, Routledge, 2006.

Currie Mark, Postmodernist Narrative Theory, London, Macmillan, 1998.

Darby David, «Form and Context. An Essay in the History of Narratology», Poetics Today, xxii, n°4, 2001, pp.829–852.

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De Lauretis Teresa, Alice Doesn't. Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema, London, Macmillan, 1983.

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-, «Desire in Narrative», dans Susana Onega, José Angel Garcia Landa (éd.), Narratology. An Introduction, London, New York, 1996, pp.262-272.

Diengott Nilli, «Narratology and Feminism in narrative theory and criticism», Style, xxii, n°1, 1988, pp.42-51.

DuPlessis Rachel Blau, «Feminist Narrative in Virginia Woolf», Novel. A Forum on Fiction, xxi, n°2-3, 1988, pp.323-330.

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Fehn Ann, Hoesterey Ingeborg, Tatar Maria (éd.), Neverending Stories. Toward a Critical Narratology, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1992.

Fludernik Monika, «Narratology in Context», Poetics Today, xiv, n°4, 1993, pp.729-761.

-, Towards a “Natural” Narratology, London, Routledge, 1996.

-, «The Genderization of Narrative», dans John Pier (éd.), Recent Trends in Narratological Research. Papers from the Narratology Round Table, Tours, 1999, pp.153-175.

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-, «History of narratology. A rejoinder», Poetics Today, xxiv, n°3, 2003, pp.405–411.

-, «The Diachronization of Narratology», Narrative, xi, n°3, 2003, pp.331-348.

Genette Gérard, Narrative Discourse. An Essay in Method (1972), trans.Jane E. Lewin, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1980.

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Gibson Andrew, Towards a Postmodern Theory of Narrative, Hemel Hempstead, Harvester, 1997.

Gilbert Sandra M., Gubar Susan, The Madwoman in the Attic. The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1979.

Greene Gayle, Changing the Story. Feminist Fiction and the Tradition, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1991.

Hamon Philippe, «Narratology. Status and Outlook», Style, xxvi, n°4, 1992, pp.362-367.

Herman David, «Scripts, Sequences, and Stories. Elements of a Postclassical Narratology», PMLA, n°112, 1997, pp.1046-1059.

Herman David, Janh Manfred, Ryan Marie-Laure.. (éd.), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, London, Routledge, 2005.

Homans Margaret, «Feminist Fictions and Feminist Theories of Narrative», Narrative, n°2, 1994, pp.3-16.

Kindt Tom, Müller Hans-Harald, «Narratology and Interpretation. A Rejoinder to David Darby», Poetics Today, xxiv, n°3, 2003, pp.413-419.

-, «Narrative Theory and/or/as Theory of Interpretation», dans Tom Kindt, Hans-Harald Müller (éd.), What Is Narratology? Questions and Answers Regarding the Status of a Theory, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2003.

Knutson Susan, «For Feminist Narratology», Tessera, n°7, 1989, pp.10-14.

Lanser Susan S., The Narrative Act. Point of View in Prose Fiction, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1981.

-, «Toward a Feminist Narratology», Style, xx, n°1, 1986, pp.341-363.

-, «Shifting the Paradigm. Feminism and Narratology», Style, xxii, n°1, 1988, pp.52-60.

-, Fictions of Authority. Women Writers and Narrative Voice, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 1992.

-, «Sexing the Narrative. Propriety, Desire, and the Engendering of Narratology», Narrative, iii, n°1, 1995, pp.85-94.

-, «Sexing Narratology. Toward a Gendered Poetics of Narrative Voice», dans Walter Grünzweig, Andreas Solbach (éd.), Grenzüberschreitungen. Narratologie im Kontext. Transcending Boundaries. Narratology in Context, Tübingen, 1998, pp.167-183.

Mezei Kathy (éd.), Ambiguous Discourse. Feminist Narratology and British Women Writers, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1996.

Miller Nancy K, The Heroine's Text. Readings in the French and English Novel, 1722-1782,New York, Columbia University Press, 1980.

Nünning Ansgar, «Renaissance eines anthropomorphisierten Passepartouts oder Nachruf auf ein literaturkritisches Phantom? Überlegungen und Alternativen zum Konzept des implied Author», dans Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, lvii, n°1, 1993, pp.1-25.

-, «Deconstructing and Reconceptualizing the “Implied Author”. The Resurrection of an Anthropomorphicized Passepartout or the Obituary of a Critical Phantom?», Anglistik, viii, n°2, 1997, pp.95-116.

-, «Towards a Cultural and Historical Narratology. A Survey of Diachronic Approaches, Concepts, and Research Projects», dans Bernhard Reitz and Sigrid Rieuwerts (éd.), Anglistentag 1999 Mainz Proceedings, Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2000.

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Peters Joan Douglas, Feminist Metafiction and the Evolution of the British Novel, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2002.

Phelan James, Rabinowitz Peter J. (éd.), A Companion to Narrative Theory, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2005.

Price Herndl Diane, Warhol Robyn R., Feminisms. An anthology of literary theory and criticism, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1991, 2nde édition 1997.

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-, «How Narration Produces Gender. Femininity as Affect and Effect in Alice Walker's The Color Purple», Narrative, ix, n°2, 2001, pp.182-187.

Page associée: Narratologie, Etudes culturelles.

Florian Pennanech

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