Nouvelle parution
Voltaire, Sermon des cinquante – Writings of 1758-1759

Voltaire, Sermon des cinquante – Writings of 1758-1759

Publié le par Matthieu Vernet (Source : Stephen Ashworth)


Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire, vol.49A

Sermon des cinquante – Writings of 1758-1759

Ed. J.Patrick Lee, Marie-Hélène Cotoni et al.

Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, coll. "Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire", 2010.

EAN 9780729409018

xxvi+506 pp.

Prix : £110 / €135 / $190

Présentation de l'éditeur :

Voltaire's most scathingly anti-Christian text, the Sermon descinquante, of which he consistently denied authorship, develops the arguments hewas to use over the coming decades in a multitude of virulent texts. In theperiod 1758-1759, biblical questions remain prominent with the Lettre sur leMessie and, in a gentler tone, the Précis de l'Ecclésiaste and Précis duCantique des cantiques. These years also saw the culmination of along-brewing quarrel over the reputation of the deceased minister JosephSaurin, which brought Voltaire's stay in Lausanne to a close. A series ofphilosophical dialogues and a conte round out his literary productions of thistwo-year span.


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