Événements & colloques
The Spectrum

The Spectrum

Publié le par Marion Moreau (Source : Philippa Lewis)


University of Cambridge Graduate Conference 2012

The Spectrum

St John's College, Cambridge, UK, 11th-12th May 2012

The conference will take place on Friday 11th May and Saturday 12th May 2012  in St. John's College. Alongside the five graduate panels we are very pleased to have three keynote speakers: Professor Michael Moriarty, Professor Clive Scott and Dr Jane Hiddleston, from the Universities of Cambridge, East Anglia and Oxford, respectively.


Attendance at the conference is free, and everyone is very welcome to attend. Below is the conference programme, and further information can be found on our website:


To register please email with your name and affiliated institution. 




Friday 11th May


10:00am : Conference Start

10:15am : Panel One


- Self -


Jared Holley (University of Cambridge): "Rêveries du promenaire epicure: Spectres of the Self in Rousseau’s Rêveries"

Zoe Roth (King’s College London): "An Impossible Death: Anachronism, Embodiment and the Spectrum of Sensation in Maurice Blanchot’s L’Instant de ma mort"

Sara-Louise Cooper (University of Oxford): "Une assise prismatique de l’être : Spectra in Patrick Chamoiseau’s Une enfance créole"


Chair: Amy Li


11:45am : Coffee

12:00pm: Keynote Address

Professor Michael Moriarty, Drapers Professor of French, University of Cambridge

Chair: Francesca Hardy


1:30pm : Lunch

2:30pm: Panel Two


Alice Holt (University of Oxford)

Adrian May (University of Cambridge): "From Spectres of Marx to a Spectrum of Marx"

Eva-Maria Hochhauser (University of Innsbruck): "Breaking the(spot)light: The political spectrum of France in the 21st century"


Chair: Alex Stuart


4:00pm : Coffee

4:15pm: Keynote Address

Dr Jane Hiddleston, University of Oxford

Chair: Maria Flood

6:30pm : Drinks Reception


Saturday 12th May


10:00am : Panel Three


Jennifer Oliver (University of Oxford): "From ship to book: a spectrum of Nefs in early sixteenth-century French literature"

Sven Greitschus (Bangor University): "Spectral Sorrow Sung Sweetly: Socio-Critical Implications in Baudelaire’s “Les Bons Chiens"

Rebekka Schnell (University of Munich): "Images spectrales: Pour une esthétique de la latence"


Chair: Giovanni Menegalle


11:30am : Coffee

11:45am : Panel Four

- Colour -

Rosalind Holmes-Duffy (University of Oxford): "Synaesthesia, Morality, and Light in Boureau-Deslandes’ L’Optique des Moeurs"

Élodie Ripoll (Université Lumière Lyon 2): "Épistémologies de la couleur dans le roman français du XVIIIe siècle"

Hannah Scott (University of Bristol): "Le blanc et le noir: Rejecting the Spectrum in Maupassant’s Short Stories"


Chair : Jonathan Patterson


1:15pm : Lunch

2:30pm : Keynote Address

Professor Clive Scott, Professor Emeritus University of East Anglia

Chair : Philippa Lewis

4:00pm : Coffee

4:15pm : Panel Five

- Gender -

Élise Côté-Levesque (Université Laval): "La négation du genre dans Tu ne t’aimes pas, de Nathalie Sarraute"

Tatiana Gavriliouk (University of Oxford)

Rym Feriani (University of Westminster): "Entre les Ténèbres et L’Excès de Lumières”: Light and Darkness in Tahar Ben Jelloun’s Novels"


Chair: Victoria Richardson


5:45pm : Round Table

6:30pm : Conference Close