Appels à contributions
Third NEWW November Meeting: Quantitative Methods in Cultural History

Third NEWW November Meeting: Quantitative Methods in Cultural History

Publié le par Florian Pennanech (Source : Agnese Fidecaro)

Appel à contribution pour les doctorant-e-s et chercheurs-euses travaillant avec des méthodes quantitatives dans le domaine de l'histoire littéraire ou culturelle:

Third NEWW November meeting

20 November 2009, the international networking programme NEWW "Newapproaches to European Women's Writing" will organise a workshop incollaboration with the Dutch doctoral school in cultural history Huizinga Instituut (Amsterdam). The theme of this workshop will be:

Quantitative methods in cultural history.


It is the third of a long term series of meetings that allowresearchers and graduate students to discuss their work, together andwith invited experts.

Keynote speaker will be: Franco Moretti (Stanford University), about:

Network Theory, Plot Analysis

Other speakers include: Madeleine Jeay (McMaster University HamiltonCanada), Joris van Zundert (Huygens Institute) and other researchersinvolved in the NEWW project.

For further information and for inscription: contact Suzan van Dijk or Anne Hilde van Baal, to whom you can also send your proposal for contribution (max. 300 words), preferably before September 30.

Meeting place:
Huygens Institute, The Hague

For more information, see